Breaking! Coup In Galnus: NISA takes over Cadaado

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I believe Galnus has three different administrations so the FGS appears to have annexed one, the corrupt FGS should focus on securing xamar and not causing mayhem in central Somalia.
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Make Hobyo Great Again
Nabad iyo nolol logic:
"Al Shabaab controls 95% of the south and Xamar is getting bombed every week. But sure, let's spend our meagre national resources on power struggles with the few peaceful regions in the country!"

This government is hopeless.
Ciidamada NISA ee qeybta Galmudug ay Caawa Dagaal kula wareegeen Madaxtooyada Galmudug ee ku taalla Magaalada Cadaado ee Gobolka Galgaduud, Xarunta madaxtooyada Cadaado ayaa bilihii dambe waxaa ku sugnaa maleeshiyo beeleed balse caawa ayaa la wareegay ciidanka NISA ee Galmudug.

Madaxtooyada Galmudug ee magaalada Cadaado ayaa loo diyaarinayaa doorashada hogaanka Galmudug maadama gabogabo yahay mudo xileedka baarlamanka iyo hogaanka Galmudug, Xaalka Cadaado ayaa caawa daganayn waxaase lafilayaa in bari xaalka Amni ee Magaalada Cadaado inuu Caadi kusoo nqon Doono.

Clan based militias cannot occupy madaxtoyada galmudug. These brave soldiers completed their trainings in Northern Galgaduud and are now battle ready in all of Galmudug.
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