Breaking: NISA Operation Busts Cargo Container filled with Arms and Explosives Meant For Al-shabab + More News

A NISA operation that followed closely the attempted Smuggling of Arms and explosive equipment from the point of origin busted today a cargo container and those responsible for the smuggling + the vehicles that were going to be used at the Port of Mogadishu!









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Mahad Salad also had a meeting with CIA and FBI today in Washington. The man is really making NISA into a professional intelligence agency that is taken seriously by all.NISA is now gathering intel on Shabaab operations and hideouts to crush them unlike his predecessor who was using the agency to kill off opposition politicans.

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why doesn’t NISA open up shop in Mogadishu port. Everything coming in & out needs to be monitored & given the green light 24/7
They do. They followed this attempted smuggling from the point of origin in an attempt to bust the network behind this entire operation, and they did! The financers, coordinators, the vehicles that were going to be used + the drivers were busted.
Mahad Salad also had a meeting with CIA and FBI today in Washington. The man is really making NISA into a professional intelligence agency that is taken seriously by all. He's using them to gather intel on Shabaab to crush them unlike his predecessor who was using the agency to kill off opposition politicans.

That’s the + more news in the title. Mahad turned NISA into a capable intelligence agency that’s respected by its peers. Kudos to him wallahi:salute:
They do. They followed this attempted smuggling from the point of origin in an attempt to bust the network behind this entire operation, and they did! The financers, coordinators, the vehicles that were going to be used + the drivers were busted.

That’s the + more news in the title. Mahad turned NISA into a capable intelligence agency that’s respected by its peers. Kudos to him wallahi:salute:
I'm also hearing last operation to free ceelbuur, Galhereeri districts and anywhere else in GM that shabab remain will start May 20th. We should be expecting a Galmudug free from Shabaab by July inshallah. HSM and Mahad Salaad are killing it mashallah
I'm also hearing last operation to free ceelbuur, Galhereeri districts and anywhere else in GM that shabab remain will start May 20th. We should be expecting a Galmudug free from Shabaab by July inshallah. HSM and Mahad Salaad are killing it mashallah
That’s what I heard too. Mahad is in Washington D.C to also discuss the next phase of operations with the FBI and CIA at their invitation. Somalia’s international partners see the federal government under the administration of HSM is serious in its fight against Al-shabab and are fully committed to assist us in defeating Al-shabab.

No more intelligence agency that solely works to suppress political opponents and protesters while nurturing Al-shabab, or a federal government hellbent on fighting its political opponents rather than fighting Al-shabab.

The next 4 years are crucial for Somalia’s future and it’s thanks to the almighty that Somalia is in good hands!

Haters can hate all they want but they will be debunked left and right with real progress.


A NISA operation that followed closely the attempted Smuggling of Arms and explosive equipment from the point of origin busted today a cargo container and those responsible for the smuggling + the vehicles that were going to be used at the Port of Mogadishu!
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Iran is one of the countries looting a ton of our fish from our coast. They know they have no shot at bringing shiaism to Somalia so they benefit from our destability

Lol Iran doesnt need to send weapons to benefit from our destability,

Who cares about Iran, when most weapons are coming from Yemen and are benefiting weapons Smugglers from Puntland who sell weapons to Alshabaab

The U.S has listed a group of more than 10 people all belonging to MJ tribes from Puntland and some even having family ties with High Ranking Members in ALSHABAAB and ISIS

Somalia should invest in container xray scanning equipment

Nisa should put Targets on Drone Kill lists, People who smuggle and make money from weapons sold to alshabaab and other criminal groups should be hunted down and killed.
Another cargo container carrying sophisticated equipment for Al-shabab busted again in Mogadishu port!
Some of the equipment are night vision goggles + helmets, military outfits, sniper rifles, long range explosives remote detonators and more.

Also another attempt to smuggle equipment for Al-shabab was foiled the Aden Ade airport!

It seems Al-shabab are desperately trying to smuggle equipment via the Mogadishu airport and port after their smuggling routes to Mogadishu have been cut off and can’t get past security checkpoints!
Apparently it’s neither Yemen or Iran. The cargo containers came from China. The businessmen and people who were facilitating the shipment from china and everyone else involved have been caught and the Chinese companies that sold the equipment are also under investigation and some Chinese citizens have been arrested. NISA and the CIA were following closely but it seems the Chinese intelligence agencies are now involved.



I'm gonna keep my thoughts on this to myself :damedamn:

Apparently it’s neither Yemen or Iran. The cargo containers came from China. The businessmen and people who were facilitating the shipment from china and everyone else involved have been caught and the Chinese companies that sold the equipment are also under investigation and some Chinese citizens have been arrested. NISA and the CIA were following closely but it seems the Chinese intelligence agencies are now involved.

Wariye rugcadaa Abdulkadir Cisse :obama:


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