BREAKING! Trudeau Expected To Announce Resignation By Wednesday!

Citing unnamed sources, Canadian news outlet Globe and Mail is now reporting that Canada’s embattled Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is now expected to announce his resignation as the head of the Liberal Party as early as Monday. As the prime minister's poll numbers continue to decrease and intra-party cooperation continues to break down, the prime minister has been under pressure for some time to step down.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
I'll believe it when the evil dictator announces. I will cautiously have my celebratory items in preparation. The Liberal Party needs to be listed as a terrorist entity.
quick question did trudea let a lot of somalis into canada or did the indians get all the benefits before i make my judgement.


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
quick question did trudea let a lot of somalis into canada or did the indians get all the benefits before i make my judgement.

Through private sponsorship via Uganda and Kenya, yes. Maybe another 10K though. Eritreans and other Africans are alot higher. But nothing in comparison to the Indians. Somalis that are in Canada are here permanently though while the 3 milliom Indians that came in the past few years are here temporarily.
Through private sponsorship via Uganda and Kenya, yes. Maybe another 10K though. Eritreans and other Africans are alot higher. But nothing in comparison to the Indians. Somalis that are in Canada are here permanently though while the 3 milliom Indians that came in the past few years are here temporarily.
why did he let more etrerians and other africans in more than us also (thank god theyre only temporary hopefully next conservative pm boots them out)


🇨🇦 🇷🇺 The hate starts here
Staff Member
why did he let more etrerians and other africans in more than us also (thank god theyre only temporary hopefully next conservative pm boots them out)

Other Africans came through as skilled immigrants while Eritreans came as legitimate refugees. Somalis are not worthy of state sponsorship anymore like the Syrians and Afghanis and have to come here via family members guaranteeing that they will financially look after them until they get a job. They don't get refugee benefits like the Syrians and Afghanis do, unless those that came from US via South America and claimed refugee status at a border crossing.

Canada is increasing the number of French speaking immigrants who want to live outside of Quebec so Djiboutians should take the opportunity to do so. Almost all existing Djiboutians live in English Canada for some reason. French language immigration is the highest category immigration draw now, even more than the other priority categories like health care, STEM, trade and agriculture. Djiboutians should take the opportunity to come here. Canada has moved away from prioritizing general skilled immigration in favour of specific categories.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
I'll believe it when the evil dictator announces. I will cautiously have my celebratory items in preparation. The Liberal Party needs to be listed as a terrorist entity.
What do you think about Pierre you think he can make Canada great again

Are most Canadians not liberal I wonder how a George Wallace or Ross Perot type politician could rise

New World

the people's champ
Can you tell me more about Pierre, does he have an issue with us or just the Indians?
Other Africans came through as skilled immigrants while Eritreans came as legitimate refugees. Somalis are not worthy of state sponsorship anymore like the Syrians and Afghanis and have to come here via family members guaranteeing that they will financially look after them until they get a job. They don't get refugee benefits like the Syrians and Afghanis do, unless those that came from US via South America and claimed refugee status at a border crossing.

Canada is increasing the number of French speaking immigrants who want to live outside of Quebec so Djiboutians should take the opportunity to do so. Almost all existing Djiboutians live in English Canada for some reason. French language immigration is the highest category immigration draw now, even more than the other priority categories like health care, STEM, trade and agriculture. Djiboutians should take the opportunity to come here. Canada has moved away from prioritizing general skilled immigration in favour of specific categories.

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness
Can you tell me more about Pierre, does he have an issue with us or just the Indians?
He seems to be from what I’ve watched conservative Regan wannabe complaining about cost of living , taxes , and illegal immigration

The user you quoted wants something more extreme I think we’ll see when he responds

The truth seeker

Life , liberty , and the pursuit of happiness

BREAKING NEWS | Trudeau announces he will be resigning as leader of the Liberal party​

I’m celebrating on behalf of my Canadian siblings across the border 🎉🎉🎉

This a warning for us what happens when you ban guns the government freezes bank accounts for protesting
I was going to post this but you beat me to it.

He is misleading people by framing this as ''internal battles'' when in reality his liberal party is forcing him out because of how deeply unpopular he has become and how badly he has done in polling , so the party can have a chance in the next election.

But i feel it wont save them tbh, it's going to play out like what happened in the American election. Unless Canadians feel that you are departing from the policy approach that the Trudeau government enacted and is going to bring a change , they are less likely to vote for you. Any replacement candidate will just seem like ''more of the same''

You are starting to see the Conservative leader driving this home and saying that the liberals collectively were behind him in doubling of housing costs, hiked taxes, unleashed crime, broken immigration, forced a quarter of the population into poverty.

So the only thing he has done in actuality by this decision to step down is admit defeat really and give his competition more legitimacy.
The way he was sitting next to trump like a good little boy had me dying

Progressivism is a failed experiment Canadians were to miskeen and now there suffering
All his politics were social, he let monopolies run Canada. Just like all liberals thier policy is only different surface level. The simple goy will takeover bring in millions more Indians, lower wages and finish this country off


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
It was bound to happen the liberals want him out so they can do damage control b4 the next elections but it’s a lil too late for that. He destroyed a nation but one good thing he did is make da ganja legal. I’ll spark one up for you my bro.
The fing made me move of my birth city and now I’m live in rural Ontario, Milton. Why? Because Indians have taken over and crime have skyrocketed.

