BREAKING: While SYL wanted independent Somalia, some wanted extended Italian trusteeship.

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Majeerteen fought for the liberation of Italian Somalia, we wanted the Italians out which is why SYL was created. Unlike other clan parties we welcomed all and it was diverse but some clan parties like Hawiye abgaal wanted 30 years extended Italian rule!


[2] Somali Conference (Somalia Conferenza) was an umbrella association, combined all elements or groups in Somalia (Southern) that supported the Italian claim to trusteeship by the United Nations. At the United Nations, the Somali Conference spokesman, Islow Mahadalle, not only stated that his country was not ready for independence, but also demanded from the UN Commission to let Italy rule Somalia for thirty years. The groups that formed the Conferenza to support Italian trusteeship for 30 years were:"



Bosaso iyo Bandar Siyada
I always knew they needed someone else to run their cities for them as the marehans are doing right now :susp:The slaves need their masters in order to function:lolbron:
Majeerteenia was the last kingdom to fall.

We even fought in Galgaduud (HAWIYE LAND) with the Italians and whooped them.

In 1925, Omar Samatar, one of the military chiefs of Sultan Ali Yusuf of The Sultanate of Obbio, led a rebellion against the Italians that culminated in the recapturing of El-Buur on November 9, 1925. Soon the rebellion expanded to the local population and the region went into revolt as El-Dheere also came under the control of Omar Samatar. The Italian forces tried to recapture El-Buur but they were repulsed.

On November 15,1925 the Italians retreated to Bud Bud and on the way they were ambushed and suffered heavy casualties. As a consequence of the death of the commander of the operations and the effect of two failed operations intended to overcome the El-Buur mutiny, the spirit of Italian troops began to wane. Meanwhile, the rebellion was gaining sympathy across the country and as far a field as Western Somaliland.

They had to BOMB Majeerteenia to defeat us.
They even had to get reinforcement from ERITREA to beat us.

"De Vecchi had to reassess his plans as he was being humiliated on many fronts. After one year of exerting full force he could not yet manage to gain total control over the sultanate."

"In response to the unyielding situation, Italy called for reinforcements from their other colonies, notably Eritrea."


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Abgaal wanted that, while MJ brought in Xabashi Injirleey

The same Xabashi that all the former USC warlords (your leaders) approved of?
The same Xabashi that GHEEDI, the Abgaal helped usher in.

Yes, that was all Majeerteen's fault.

Furthermore, why should we care if our enemy, the Xabashi, leveled USC footsoldiers and their haram offspring.

USC raped, killed and robbed our unarmed civilians. :hillarybiz:


Weeping for the Nation of 68
The same Xabashi that all the former USC warlords (your leaders) approved of?
The same Xabashi that GHEEDI, the Abgaal helped usher in.

Yes, that was all Majeerteen's fault.

Furthermore, why should we care if our enemy, the Xabashi, leveled USC footsoldiers and their haram offspring.

USC raped, killed and robbed our unarmed civilians. :hillarybiz:

U talk too much about rape.
If u want usc d*ck, just go to Southern Gaalkacyo:cosbyhmm:
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