British terror suspect Jermaine Grant jailed in Kenya

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Citizen of Southwest State
A British man accused of plotting terror attacks on the Kenyan coast has been jailed for nine years in Mombasa.


Jermaine Grant, from London, was jailed for nine charges related to trying to illegally obtain Kenyan citizenship.

He faces separate charges of "conspiring to improvise an explosive device" and a trial in Mombasa is ongoing. He denies the terror charges.

Grant was arrested in 2011 when batteries and chemicals were discovered in his apartment in Mombasa.

UK police - who have provided forensic assistance to Kenyan authorities - allege they were "precursors for making highly volatile explosive substances".

Samantha Lewthwaite, known as the "White Widow" and wanted in connection with the 7/7 bombings in London in 2005, is also suspected of being involved in the alleged plot.

She escaped arrest in Kenya in 2011 and has been missing since then.

The sentencing of Grant comes after Mombasa High Court judge Martin Muya overturned an earlier acquittal on the Kenyan citizenship charges.

"I order that the accused serves one year of imprisonment on each of the nine counts," the judge said while passing sentence.

Addressing Grant, he added: "This sentence will run consecutively, which means you will serve a total of nine years' imprisonment."

If any lamagoodles come to Kenya to engage in terrorism, they will meet the same fate. It's a shame he isn't going to be executed but Kenya always strives to meet the international standards for human rights.
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