Building rainwater flood lines in Qardho

ما شاء الله تبارك الله

Now this is a real solution.

Who owns all this equipment BTW? I'm not surprised to see the trucks or excavator with the rockhammer. I would guess theres a quarry or something of the sort in the town. The dozer is a bit of a surprise. Does qardho have their own road authority or something?


Is this a storm water drainage? @Midwestern Hawadle is still waiting for the south since the 90s as their hero sanbalolshe has traded away a hiran first region for a petty nisa post. Imagine the Somali first clowns won in 98 and we just waited with the salbalaar and carta govt, we would be like hawadle today with nothing achieved except time waste.

We would be in and out and stuck in Somali conferences with no outcome except waa inoo shir kale hellscape
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Inaba Caadi Maaha
Free flow of rainwater to where, though? Hopefully not the sea. It would be cool of they implemented some sort of rainwater harvesting.

