Calling people Kuffar - infidels - Kafir | Fadel Soliman

Akhi we must take a middle ground as ASWJ , we have ghulu sects (extremism) in islam one side the murjiah separate speech from actions and consider kalam is enough.

The other side the kharjiites make blanket takfir on anyone that disagrees with their methodology

Takfir is not haram, takfir is part of islam without it i would go on to argue that islam wouldn't make sense without takfir.

Without takfir the believers in tawheed and the believers in shirk/idolatry/munafiqeen will be on the same boat which is unjust and contradictory.

Because certain people abuse takfir doesnt
mean that it should be shunned.

So one hand with have people who are loose with the takfir

And on the other hand we have people who avoid takfir and completely endorse all sorts of deviancy such as secularism, materialism, shirk and so forth.

We must be in the middle between these two groups of extremists

