Can A Somali Become a Patriot

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Can a Somali become a patriot of his birth or adopted country that offered h/her a citizenship like Canada, Britain, U.S.A or any where else in the Western diaspora? Why do most of us support regimes like Russia, or China who would never have offered us asylum against our birth or adopted countries?

Let me use as analogy of MP Ahmed Husein, the first elected Somali member of the Canadian Parliament. He made all of us Somalis proud, but he has to swear to uphold the Canadian constitution and be a patriot Canadian, where does that leave the Canadian Somalis? Did they just vote for him to deliver more perks-welfare for the Somali community, or will they feel to be more patriots towards Canada?
Somalis have to be patriotic to their country, Somalia first and foremost.

Those who hold political offices in foreign countries need to understand that their constituents (Somalis) is the reason they're in office. They are the representatives for the Somalis abroad.


I'm a proud Brit and I don't need a Somali MP to be proud - I have nothing left to be proud of in Somalia but I'm a proud ethnic Somali. I'm holding out for the day there is peace in Somalia so I can get dual citizenship and spend my summer there.
Somalis aren't patriotic to their birth country (or country of origin, to those born outside of the country) and you expect them to be patriotic to their host nations? Good luck with that.

The few who claim to be patriotic to their adopted nations feel that way due to vested interests and when they're arguing with other Somalis whom they have opposing political/religious views, or when they feel challenged/threatened. If they find a better country with better life they'll lose their patriotism and book the earliest flight faster than Usain Bolt putting one foot in front of the other in a sprint race.
Let me use as analogy of MP Ahmed Husein, the first elected Somali member of the Canadian Parliament. He made all of us Somalis proud, but he has to swear to uphold the Canadian constitution and be a patriot Canadian, where does that leave the Canadian Somalis? Did they just vote for him to deliver more perks-welfare for the Somali community, or will they feel to be more patriots towards Canada?

When you want success for other Somali's its a step forward...someone milking the welfare system does
not wish for progress for himself or others. When it becomes the norm for Somali's to take up high positions
in society then there's no excuses left for failure.

They give me asylum but i never felt accepted and when I went back home either I felt like an outsider too...I'M LOST.

You are right that we Somalis are stuck in the first hurdle of transiting from tribal groups into a nationhood. We are still in the tribal stages of organising a society into a nation. Therefore, the concept of patriotism to a nation isn't actually there. But what about the thousands of Somalis who were either born or raised in the diaspora? As Phoenix mentioned they are neither accepted as full Somalis in Somalia and feels alienated and not accepted in his adopted country. Why?

The notion of patriotism and nationalism is a mindset, a feeling and it is not only based on acceptance and social inclusion by the dominant culture, but also how we were encultured and raised by our parents. Most of our parents came to the diaspora on the assumption that their stay in the diaspora will be on temporary basis. They believed that once the children achieve good education and save good money, Somalia will be at peace and a better place for the family to relocate there. They kept telling their children, you don't belong to this country and as soon as you finish your studies, we will be moving to the motherland. The child has internalised that viewpoint and never accepted to be a member of his 'new' country.

Things didn't pan out that way and it seems that most of us will be permanently living in the diaspora but the narrative of the 'other' in our adopted countries has reached a ridiculous stage. You will see these guys rooting for China or Putin against their birth country. Will the next generation of Somalis be kinder and wiser and raise their children to be Canadians, Americans, British ETC?
I heard MP Ahmed Hussein came to Canada as an unaccompanied minor, who raised him? If his parents were in Canada and raised him, would they have motivated him and be ambitious enough to be where he is now, or would they have limited his potential in reminding him that he is not one of them and became a successful truck driver like menace?


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Canada day is July 1st and I am nothing but Canadian on that day. I don't acknowledge any other Independence celebration.


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