Can a white American travel to Mogadishu

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Now, of course it's not safe, but I'm hoping to travel here one day. I find it very interesting how big of a hell hole it is, and it's just too interesting for the past year I've been watching videos and looking up how to travel here. But the question what is the honest chance of me coming out alive if I buy proper security and take precations.

Also no, I don't want to travel to Hargesia or any part of Puntland I want to go to the Mog.


Not your typical Farah
Did u wake up from your troll sleep or something. All of your 13 posts have been about Mogadishu. Wasn't this pathetic thread sufficient enough for you?

Yo, that thread had me dying.

So, I'm a white male who is 22 and right out of college in America. I want to move to Mogadishu for the beaches and to be in the medical field. I heard things are getting better in the great country, is that right and here are a few questions.
- Where do I buy an apartment at?
- Where are the churches? (I'm a Christian)

"Go to Mogadishu wear skimpy clothing with a cross around your neck and you will surely have *a blast*.;)"

Can a white man travel to Mogadishu - yes.

Can a white man make it back? :reallymaury:

Oh, and chill with the 'hell hole' - you ain't been and haven't seen the beauty that lies there so quiet down.

So you will be going there for poverty tourism?? it that it?? Caadan ppl are a trip
You surprised? These people used to take their children to lynchings and have picnics under the tree that a black man was swinging from.

Somalis been through actual hardship and you wouldn't catch them doing that demonic ish.
Wallahi Im confused cadaankan talking about a interesting hell hole:umwhat:

Apparently it's a thing for caadan people :ohhh: They go to poor countries for amusement or curiosity lool caamal laahan.

That's where the term slumming it came from. Theses xoolo have been doing it since the mid eighteenth century, Victorian times!!! :mjlol:

You surprised? These people used to take their children to lynchings and have picnics under the tree that a black man was swinging from.

Somalis been through actual hardship and you wouldn't catch them doing that demonic ish.

They can't get away with that anymore so they've resorted to go to foreign countries to look at impoverished people like zoo animals :mjkkk: It's their new favorite past time!


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Apparently it's a thing for caadan people :ohhh: They go to poor countries for amusement or curiosity lool caamal laahan.

That's where the term slumming it came from. Theses xoolo have been doing it since the mid eighteenth century, Victorian times!!! :mjlol:

They can't get away with that anymore so they've resorted to go to foreign countries to look at impoverished people like zoo animals :mjkkk: It's their new favorite past time!

Yaab yaab it sounds just like a zoo

"Look honey those indians over there are eating food from the dumpster poverty is so sad"

*takes picture*
You people killed 23 American special operators you people are jungle savages who depend on my government for food and housing. You people want to establish a world caliphate and are sympathetic with the shabaab and ISIL Somalia is a country only in name. I only want to visit the country just to see how uncivilized you people are. You guys live a century behind with your clan and tribal bullcrap. Just wait till us, the American Crusaders invade your shithole and finnesee the oil reserves in Puntland and set up a democracy.

Operation Restore Hope 2.0


You people killed 23 American special operators you people are jungle savages who depend on my government for food and housing. You people want to establish a world caliphate and are sympathetic with the shabaab and ISIL Somalia is a country only in name. I only want to visit the country just to see how uncivilized you people are. You guys live a century behind with your clan and tribal bullcrap. Just wait till us, the American Crusaders invade your shithole and finnesee the oil reserves in Puntland and set up a democracy.

Operation Restore Hope 2.0
The only thing you would be finnesing from puntland is water check the news bub:deadmanny:
You people killed 23 American special operators you people are jungle savages who depend on my government for food and housing. You people want to establish a world caliphate and are sympathetic with the shabaab and ISIL Somalia is a country only in name. I only want to visit the country just to see how uncivilized you people are. You guys live a century behind with your clan and tribal bullcrap. Just wait till us, the American Crusaders invade your shithole and finnesee the oil reserves in Puntland and set up a democracy.

Operation Restore Hope 2.0


Typical butt hurt caadan :russ: Seeeethe

Are you mad that we didn't accommodate your weird fetish???? Don't worry there's plenty of other countries that you can go poverty sight-seeing
The thing is, I don't get for slums I want to see Mogadishu I don't care for any other slum I just want to go see the poorest country in the world and see if I can make it back alive
The thing is, I don't get for slums I want to see Mogadishu I don't care for any other slum I just want to go see the poorest country in the world and see if I can make it back alive

You are ignorant because the Poorest country in world is Niger (not Nigeria be careful) and second poorest country in world is Ethiopia, so you are in wrong forum.
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