Can Poverty Difference In Somalia Be Proven Universally?


The topic is Poverty rate in Somalia, we must set a universal premise to determine what constitutes the symptoms of Poverty.

Do we agree if we use isbaaro rates to determine poverty is the most accurate and more universally acceptable and observable by local and foreigners.

Now why I say isbaaro rates is the best indicator measurement of poverty is why would you need to be 'tuug' and 'congolese symptoms' and have so many isbaaro if your people are rich

Does everyone agree now, this is a strong measurement indicator and uncorruptable becuz every region can be measured. Now I will let you assume where the most isbaaro exist and safely conclude what the 'gaajo' rate must be like in comparison to regions where isbaaro is non-existant becuz their more comfortable, stronger purchasing power and don't need to resort to high-way robbery.


It will be interesting if Somalis really discuss this topic without throwing around claims how their so rich because any monkey can claim his a king also. We need a universal rule that has to be applied to all and then every clan measured against that universal rule and reach safe conclusions. But the isbaaro indicator cannot be ignored in poverty assessment or else explain how can you be rich and resorting to highway robbery?
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The regions with the highest literacy rates and least amount of malnutrition and stunting is the best off. Using per capita or measuring salaries or buildings obscures the picture

Kyrgyzstan is poorer on a per capita basis than India, Kenya, South Africa and Ghana but has much better literacy, nutrition, life expectancy, and cleanliness. I'd rather live in Bishkek than any Black African city.

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@GemState I am not going to insult u cause your educated. But brother imagine the ghetto of america saying their the richest yet the highest level of crime is in their area not white area. I see isbaaro and other forms of tuugnimo rates in Somalia can be used to determine poverty rates in different regions.

@Al hashimi open your ears as your addicted to GDP as poverty rates is big indicator of GDP.