Canadian refugee group rescues 10 at risk Somali orphans from Arabs

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An elaborate humanitarian mission to rescue 10 at-risk Somali orphans from Saudi Arabia and bring them to Canada ends successfully tonight at Winnipeg’s airport.

That’s when unaccompanied minors are to arrive into the welcoming arms of their sponsors at Hospitality House Refugee Ministry.

"It’s a helluva story," said retired newspaperman and Hospitality House executive director Tom Denton. For the charity that has privately sponsored thousands of refugees over the years, this is its most complicated and suspenseful "caper" to date, he said.

The rescue involved 10 siblings ranging from eight to 16 years old, plus the eldest sister’s baby girl.

The siblings were orphaned after their widowed father died in 2014. Their dad had worked for the Somali consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where the children were born. When he died, the Saudi government wanted to send the kids to Somalia where they had no relatives to support them and a slim chance of survival amid its anarchy, said Denton. Their late father’s friends and colleagues in Jeddah raised money to look after the children - who had no legal status in Saudi Arabia - and kept them safe there.

Then, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) started rounding up Somali "illegals" and deporting them. In October 2014, the oldest son, then 16, obtained a student visa to the U.S. After landing in Los Angeles, he took a bus to Minneapolis then caught a ride close to the border crossing at Emerson, Man. He walked into Canada and all the way to Winnipeg, where he has distant relatives.

He filed a successful refugee claim with the help of the Manitoba Interfaith Immigration Council but his Winnipeg kin were recent newcomers and in no position to support him. He was placed in the care of Child and Family Services and as such cannot be identified. While safe in Winnipeg, the teen was distraught over leaving his younger siblings behind, Denton said. A social worker told him the young man would break into tears in school, afraid his siblings in Saudi in Arabia would be deported to Somalia.

"Here we have a situation where kids were in extreme danger," said Denton. The board of Hospitality House agreed to sponsor the children. "We had to get them out of there quickly or risk them being deported." Twice the children had to go into hiding when Saudi security forces swept their neighbourhood for "illegals." They had to sneak off in pairs for immigration medical checkups to not draw attention to themselves. They needed identity documents and passports from Somalia even though they were born and living in Saudi Arabia.

"The hardest part was to have the Canadian system for processing privately-sponsored refugees do a fast one," said Denton. "It’s not set up to do fast processing. Typically it takes five years or more."

This time, the bureaucracy acted quickly, thanks to the compassion and hard work of officials with Citizenship, Immigration and Refugees Canada, the International Organization for Migration, the UNHCR and the Sponsorship Agreement Holder Secretariat in Ontario, said Denton. The "hero" who made it happen, though, is the older brother, said Denton.

"This kid of 16 crossed the world – alone – to L.A. Then he made his way to Minneapolis and thence to the Canadian border, from which point he walked to Winnipeg. He made a refugee claim, was successful, and then went about saving all his siblings from death or slavery, and giving them a chance in Canada... How many 16 year olds would have the strength and commitment to do that?"

Back in Winnipeg, groups and volunteers have been preparing for the children’s arrival, said Denton. One woman in the Somali community has volunteered to be a live-in "house mother" for the kids who will be housed at the Hospitality House residence and supported by the Catholic and Anglican funded charity. It’s met with CFS. An anonymous donor has agreed to pick up the tab for their airfare, he said.

Manitobans wanted to help when they heard about the arrival of the "KSA kids," said Karin Gordon, director of settlement for Hospitality House. Quilters in Pinawa, Man., have made blankets for each of them. Students at West Kildonan Collegiate prepared gift boxes for each of the children, who will attend school as soon as possible.

"They will have a big advantage coming in at this young age," said Denton. He has one simple but big hope for them: "That they will have a normal life as Canadians. We have the most successful multicultural society on the planet. It’s something I’m very proud of."
Should have left them over there look at the one the girls still wearing the Hijab what a disgusting look. I hope if they are adopted by white Canadians that they force them to uncover their hair.
Those are my Somali sisters. I want them here and I want them safe from the Arabs who would enslave them and rape them.

They are finally home.
Those are my Somali sisters. I want them here and I want them safe from the Arabs who would enslave them and rape them.

They are finally home.

The fucking Arabs wouldn't dare enslave our people. Its probably more likely that we enslaved some of them before they even had the balls to come to the Somali peninsula and enslave our people.

You're a goddamn victim and a slave Wallahi. Take this news story as the good news that it is.

But don't you dare try to infect us Somalis with this African-American slave mentality that most of those people unfortunately have. AbdiJohnson wants us to have the same victim complex towards Arabs as the AA's have towards Whites. SMFH
The fucking Arabs wouldn't dare enslave our people. Its probably more likely that we enslaved some of them before they even had the balls to come to the Somali peninsula and enslave our people.

You're a goddamn victim and a slave Wallahi. Take this news story as the good news that it is.

But don't you dare try to infect us Somalis with this African-American slave mentality that most of those people unfortunately have. AbdiJohnson wants us to have the same victim complex towards Arabs as the AA's have towards Whites. SMFH
Not all Arabs are our enemies as AbdiJohnson keeps claiming our enemies are Saudis and Yemenis
@Kaafiye the Arab booty clapper is in fact sad those victims are in secular Canada today and not his Sunni Saudi paradise. He beat up a Somali for being indifferent to Palestine. He is an Arab slave
You know lots of teenagers and 14 and under from Afghanistan have been held there and released after decades that is what we can do to any child who joins the Jihad against Somalia build our own prison.
I don't blame them America destroyed their country. Guantanamo Bay creates terrorists take your shit else where
I don't blame them America destroyed their country. Guantanamo Bay creates terrorists take your shit else where
America has a right to destroy the Taliban controlled Afghanistan because America is for Secular Democracy and they won't stop it. They are right and now Afghanistan is like Somalia but like 5-10 years ahead of Somalia. I can't wait for Al Shaabab members to face the cruel world in
Guantanamo Bay.
I don't blame them America destroyed their country. Guantanamo Bay creates terrorists take your shit else where
Guantanamo Bay doesn't create terrorists look at Nelson Mandela he was a prisoner for 27 years and he didn't turn to a terrorists. Some people become terrorists and they will be stopped at every cost.
@Kaafiye the Arab booty clapper is in fact sad those victims are in secular Canada today and not his Sunni Saudi paradise. He beat up a Somali for being indifferent to Palestine. He is an Arab slave

You want to be a slave. You want to have this subservient attitude towards Arabs you low-testosterone fuckboy.
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