Canadian son of the Siad Bare Era bourgeoisie family going berserk on fb cause he is being monitored

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot

Few months ago he was featured on Somalidaaduunka as he was showing folks the huge farm land that his dad left over to him.
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Masha Allah his land is beautiful. Our plot is just a little square in comparison. Well it's just a square to be fair but I'd kill for farmland I could walk around in.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Someone told me something and I hope his dad was never that type

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
I'm thinking terrifying things :eminemdamn:please say what he did or I'll assume the worst.:ohdamn:

He was a Barre associate and he magically accumulated huge national farming land, this according to his own tribesmen here in Columbus.


He was a Barre associate and he magically accumulated huge national farming land, this according to his own tribesmen here in Columbus.

I know that much from the pictures and your title but I'm not surprised, maybe @nucleus's family land is somewhere in that country he inherited. Where is it located.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
He was a Barre associate and he magically accumulated huge national farming land, this according to his own tribesmen here in Columbus.

not just barre era, the previous admins as well.

The family is very ahem famous. ;)
I know that much from the pictures and your title but I'm not surprised, maybe @nucleus's family land is somewhere in that country he inherited. Where is it located.

Maya we have land/a farm in lower shabelle (we still have it, barely) but the one I was mentioning was in jubbada hoose.

You should read the book the invention of somalia, he kind of goes through a lot about what happened after italian colonization and a lot about modern somali history. Much of the farm land in lower shabelle was bought up by somalis 1% the locals there are extremely disadvantaged.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I'm konfussed. How did his family keep it all these years through the war and clan uprisings in that particular region? It's immaculate and the trees are mature.

He's the dominant clan in afgoye, but what they probablydid was paid people to look after their property, that's what we did. Afgoye is relatively safe.

We have land in an area that's much more dangerous, you have to have armed people, no one will steal your land so much as accuse you of being a certain clan. A few of the poor somalis that are native to the region that stay at my family's farm had their throat cut, they were accused of being a certain clan. They were 90+ years old, It's awful :(

Also shabab. Now we only have non ethnic somalis that protect our land. Every family friend fled or died because if shabab. :frdfvsb:
Nah hers is inherited by darod probably s

I wanna go kismaayo, one of my uncles went there a few months ago. If madoobe gets rid of shabab in my awoowes village and I get to go there. :mjcry:

I will switch to team darod. :rejoice:


not just barre era, the previous admins as well.

The family is very ahem famous. ;)

Maya we have land/a farm in lower shabelle (we still have it, barely) but the one I was mentioning was in jubbada hoose.

You should read the book the invention of somalia, he kind of goes through a lot about what happened after italian colonization and a lot about modern somali history. Much of the farm land in lower shabelle was bought up by somalis 1% the locals there are extremely disadvantaged.

Do you still tend to it through family or do you just know where it is and have the document? Lower Shabeele has a lot of active farms I noticed and exported crops. All the interviews with the farmers make so much sense now I was wondering how they exported all their crops but it's business for a lot of Somalis. Are they disadvantaged because they have nowhere to farm? The famines are making a lot more sense now.


He's the dominant clan in afgoye, but what they probablydid was paid people to look after their property, that's what we did. Afgoye is relatively safe.

We have land in an area that's much more dangerous, you have to have armed people, no one will steal your land so much as accuse you of being a certain clan. A few of the poor somalis that are native to the region that stay at my family's farm had their throat cut, they were accused of being a certain clan. They were 90+ years old, It's awful :(

Also shabab. Now we only have non ethnic somalis that protect our land. Every family friend fled or died because if shabab. :frdfvsb:

I wanna go kismaayo, one of my uncles went there a few months ago. If madoobe gets rid of shabab in my awoowes village and I get to go there. :mjcry:

I will switch to team darod. :rejoice:

Who are the dominant clan in Afgooye? The wardiye struck lucky to be paid to live there.

Inaalillahi wa innaa ileyhi raaji'uun I'm so sorry. Where is this place? Both Al Shabaab and the clan violence was for the resources I won't ask which clans.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
not just barre era, the previous admins as well.

The family is very ahem famous. ;)

Maya we have land/a farm in lower shabelle (we still have it, barely) but the one I was mentioning was in jubbada hoose.

You should read the book the invention of somalia, he kind of goes through a lot about what happened after italian colonization and a lot about modern somali history. Much of the farm land in lower shabelle was bought up by somalis 1% the locals there are extremely disadvantaged.

WOOOW are you saying that he collaborated and inherited from the Italian bastards


He's the dominant clan in afgoye, but what they probablydid was paid people to look after their property, that's what we did. Afgoye is relatively safe.

We have land in an area that's much more dangerous, you have to have armed people, no one will steal your land so much as accuse you of being a certain clan. A few of the poor somalis that are native to the region that stay at my family's farm had their throat cut, they were accused of being a certain clan. They were 90+ years old, It's awful :(

Also shabab. Now we only have non ethnic somalis that protect our land. Every family friend fled or died because if shabab. :frdfvsb:

I wanna go kismaayo, one of my uncles went there a few months ago. If madoobe gets rid of shabab in my awoowes village and I get to go there. :mjcry:

I will switch to team darod. :rejoice:
These s are the reason you exist:ufdup:
Your grandma forefather was giving refuge by us if we wanted to his people wouldn't exist today:ufdup:
I have relatives in kismayo two inshallah we'll be neighbors or live in the same household:whew:


Who are the dominant clan in Afgooye? The wardiye struck lucky to be paid to live there.

Inaalillahi wa innaa ileyhi raaji'uun I'm so sorry. Where is this place? Both Al Shabaab and the clan violence was for the resources I won't ask which clans.
Moryan from central somalia occupy:pacspit:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Do you still tend to it through family or do you just know where it is and have the document? Lower Shabeele has a lot of active farms I noticed and exported crops. All the interviews with the farmers make so much sense now I was wondering how they exported all their crops but it's business for a lot of Somalis. Are they disadvantaged because they have nowhere to farm? The famines are making a lot more sense now.

It's a family members 'hobby' farm, it's not being used to its potential really. My family want to sell it, though. It's more of a hassle then it's worth. But we won't for now because the people in the village use it for their sustenance. It's good ajar for my beloved family member.

They have farm lands but it's mainly subsistence, the huge swathes of land are mostly owned by people not local to the region, there's nowhere else in somalia with this situation. Plus with it proximity to xamar makes It very valuable.

The famine wasn't in this region I don't think. They are quite self sufficient, but they're no schools hospitals etc etc. things that are needed.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
WOOOW are you saying that he collaborated and inherited from the Italian bastards

You misunderstood, btw he's very well known. I meant his family was in the previous government before barre and also in barre's government. They didn't inherit the farms from Italians but we're very rich. Rich somalis bought a lot of farm land in lower shabelle.

You can put 2 and 2.
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