Cave paintings found in Cabaydh, Ceerigaabo district, Sanaag

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Daawo Goobo taariikhi ah oo laga helay buurta Cabaydh ee degmada Ceerigaabo oo dad shicib ah gacanta ugu jirta iyo ka war hayn laanta wasaarada dalxiiska iyo dhaqanka Somaliland

Writen by Qaran News

Ceerigaabo,(Qaran-news)-Waxa dhwaan dadka deegaanka ee buurta Cabydh oo ka tirsan degmada Ceerigaabo laga helay godod waaweyn oo ay qaarkood ku xardhanyihiin far aan la aqoonsan oo la istcimaali jiray kumaan kun oo sanadood iyo sawiro la mid ah kuwa laga helay Laasgeel ee degmada Dacarbudhuq ee gobolka Maroodijeex ee Hargeysa, tariikhdani la helay ayaanay wax lug ah ku lahayn wasaarada dalxiisa iyo dhaqanka ee Somaliland oo aan si fiican uga hawl galin gobolka Sanaag siiba aagani hada laga helay goobahan taariikhiga ah oo uu si fiican uga shaqeeyo maaamulka xukumadda Somaliland hase ahaatee la dayacay oo wasaarada dalxiisku ay daycday.
Gobolka Sanaag ayaa ay ku duuganyihiin taariikho fac weyn oo ciidaasi ka badan in kasta oo ay goobha qaarkood wasaarada dalxiiska ay u diwaan gashanyihiin hadana goobahaasi ma helaan wax daryeel ah oo lagu xafidaayo, goobtani dhawaan la helay ee ku taala buurta Cabaydhina waxa ay xiligani gacanta ugu jirtaa dadka deegaanka oo ilaaliya wasaarada iyo guud ahaan xukumadda Somaliland wax war ah kama hayso
Hadaba halkani hoose ka daawo sawirada qaar ay shabakada, idiinka soo gudbisay xagaasi








ok cool but that wasn't my question:sitdown:

she is insinuating that Somalia is where humanity began :umwhat:
She is right!

It's not that complicated

Humans cme from EA

In EA somalis are the only known people to have worshipped cows (Hinduism oldest religion)

So mankind began in somalia

Dont make me get @Inquisitive_ to give u word 2000 essay on how I'm right :ufdup:

Just step the f*ck back and accept it no offence
She is right!

It's not that complicated

Humans cme from EA

In EA somalis are the only known people to have worshipped cows (Hinduism oldest religion)

So mankind began in somalia

Dont make me get @Inquisitive_ to give u word 2000 essay on how I'm right :ufdup:

Just step the f*ck back and accept it no offence

I don't have the energy at this time of morning for our resident crazy man so I'll just 'step the f*ck back'
Not all Somalis. I don't think Hawiye and Rahanweyn ever lived in Sanaag, those niccas have been in the south for thousands of years. As
Ibn battuta mentioned in the 14th century the Hawiye inhabiting south Somalia at that time.
Sheik abgaals tomb is in the north and considering the irir samaale Ties its very likely hawiye where in the north for a Time:manny:


Sheik abgaals tomb is in the north and considering the irir samaale Ties its very likely hawiye where in the north for a Time:manny:

Some Abgaals claim their tomb is in Abdaal (Sahil) that is not Sanaag region. It is
possible Hawiye were in the north/galbeed thousands of years ago, it is not a recent
migration though.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Not all Somalis. I don't think Hawiye and Rahanweyn ever lived in Sanaag, those niccas have been in the south for thousands of years. As
Ibn battuta mentioned in the 14th century the Hawiye inhabiting south Somalia at that time.
Somalis only really moved south less than 1000 years ago

Mareexan went from Sanaag to Jubba around 200 years ago, so imagine other somali clans ?


Somalis only really moved south less than 1000 years ago

That only applies to the Darod tribes that crossed over to Jubaland and NFD.
Hawiye and Rahanweyn have been in the south way longer though. Ibn Battuta
mentions the Hawiye inhabiting the Lower Shabelle area almost 700 years ago.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
That only applies to the Darod tribes that crossed over to Jubaland and NFD.
Hawiye and Rahanweyn have been in the south way longer though. Ibn Battuta
mentions the Hawiye inhabiting the Lower Shabelle area almost 700 years ago.
From what I've read, the group mentioned is a pre-Hawiye group that is part of Digil. Hawiye don't live in Lower Shabelle.

All Hawiye are from Mudug, anywhere else they only came recently(less than 200 years ago).
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