Dahabki ayaamahan waa la joojiyey. Fusuqa baa ku baatay.
Dahabki ayaamahan waa la joojiyey. Fusuqa baa ku baatay.
Not underground perse. Lakiin they use to rent out the land. Prostitution and qamri bey meesha keenena. Old heads shut it down.It went underground. Too many evil eyes. I like it that way, the locals should keep low profile and not post pictures of their gold nuggets in social media. Before 2 -3 years ago no one saw a picture/video
of this tuulo (Cershiida).
Not underground perse. Lakiin they use to rent out the land. Prostitution and qamri bey meesha keenena. Old heads shut it down.
I heard company was coming and there were some backlash?
What about the foreign company oo laga qeliyey?That company (tacabwadag) operates in Ceel Dibir (south of Maydh) it is owned by a Muuse Carre guy. Were's the Cershiida gold surveyors are mostly locals (Cabdi Xamuud).
What about the foreign company oo laga qeliyey?
So much potential
How far is it from the city
How far is it from the city