Christian Denominations and the Three European Ethnicities

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Earlier today I met some friends of mine for lunch. As we were conversing, the topic of religion had come up. Although none of them were practicing "Christians", Infact their views on religion was not favourable to say the least, they did tell me what strand of the religion they were raised by or their family historically belonged to. It was no surprise that my English friends were Anglican (Church of England), my Portuguese pal was of course Catholic, but I was surprised when My Polish friend Dawid said he was also Catholic. For some reason I always thought that Poles were Orthodox, due to eastern Europe being mostly Orthodox.

On my drive home, I thought how come the three main ethnic groups of Europe; The Latins, Germanics and Slavic peoples all mostly practice separately the three main denominations of Chrtistianity; Catholicism, Protestantism and Orthodoxy.

I mean is it really a coincidence that every single Latin peoples and Latin countries of Europe are Catholic majority? Or that bulk of Germanic peoples and countries in the world are Protestant since the time of Martin Luther. You know, the German theologian who, 500 years ago was soo pissed off at Latin people and their stranglehold on the Catholic Church that he made his own "Germanic" version of the religion? Or the fact that as soon as the Greek Byzantines (who were the one's who brought Christianity to the Slavic people) broke away from the Catholic Church and made their own Church, and so the Slavs followed suit. Notice how the three denominations are nicely split along the three ethnicities in my map.

This further proves that, not only is Christianity a religion that venerates and is a power tool for the "white" race but also within its subdivisions, venerates and empowers separately the three ethnicities of Europe.

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