The investigating of the misdeeds of an NGO who works in Somali to Christianize more than 234 young people in Mogadishu.
The NGO which is named Center for community Awareness or CCA but after a long time research we found out that the truer name of the NGO is "Center for Christian in Africa" (CCA).
CCA is working on a project to open as many churches as possible and has refurbished the already established ones. It is said the Somali religious scholars pronounce a fatwa against the newly-established CCA since their activities widely criticized as unconstitutional and un-Islamic.
Mohamed Badil, who is a former taxi-driver in Kenya unmasked the mission of the CCA.
Mr. Badil said Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) funded the NGOs that operate in Somalia the likes, Somali Youth Advocacy Organization and Center for Christian in Africa and it sponsored by Mohamed Ajib a Somali man that I helped to be a taxi-driver in 2011. His full name is Mohamed Ibrahim Ali.
The PCEA's website read: ”Membership is open to all young people of ages 15-35 years. The Youth Department is represented from grassroots (congregations) through Parish Committees then Presbyterial, Region and Central Youth Committee-CYC (overall governing body). The overall membership is over 100,000 youth members”.
PCEA owns many hospitals in Nairobi including Kijabe Hospital and Kikuyu Hospital.
"I applied a nationally recognized Certificate from Mohamed Gaal, who used to works for Kijabe Hospital, but he asked where I was from? Hiiraan Province, I replied. He told that he had a good job for me, which would make me a rich man quickly," said Mr. Badil.
" Then he said to me, go back to your hometown and spread the Christianity, never worry about the process that you will follow to spread Christianity. Our target is when the 2-year-old child reaches the age of 20."
Mr. Badil further added that he rejected to accept it but after a while he encounter the same Mohamed Ajib who had the nationally recognized Certificate from the Kijabe Hospital that I applied before him but rejected to accept their proposal.
" When I conversed with Mohamed Ajib he told me that he accepted the project of the Christianization of Somalia," said Badil. Mr. Badil tried to warn him not to involve in the Christianization of Somali young people, but he said that his parents were starving and would do any thing to help them eat.
In my search, the similarities between established CCA in Somalia and that of Kenya's Christain community based in Nairobi is clearly same and one.
The CCA based in Mogadishu reads, "The CCA program is an initiative to support youth and help keep them together, and has been introduced to improve services to vulnerable young people between 10 and 35 years”