Ci' | Ciyyi | Ciyaw

Ci' (jabaq) - Bray, or sound by livestock, or animals; ma maqal ci' xoolaad.

Ciyaw (durba) - sudden; aynu bukaanka ciyaw la gaadhno cusbitaalka.

Ciyyi* (oon gumeed) feast, or morsel being served past its time - Ciyyigii waa ka baryey, ninkii cunay baa ka liita.

I suspect 'Ci' عَي' & 'Ciyyi - ΨΉΩΩŠΩ‘' are of Arabic origin; shall have to further explore it as time permits.

* It is rather interesting how letter 'Y' is not one of the digraph letters, yet the only way to write it correctly is 'ciyyi', and not 'ciyi', and therefore, it could be considered a 'shaath - anomaly'.​

Food for thought.
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