Ciddhartha:Feminism has betrayed an entire generation of women into childlessness. It is devastating

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How My mothers fanatical feminist views tore us apart says the daughter of The Color Purple Author


She's revered as a trail-blazing feminist and author Alice Walker touched the lives of a generation of women. A champion of women's rights, she has always argued that motherhood is a form of servitude. But one woman didn't buy in to Alice's beliefs - her daughter, Rebecca, 38.

Here the writer describes what it was like to grow up as the daughter of a cultural icon, and why she feels so blessed to be the sort of woman 64-year-old Alice despises - a mother.

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My mother's feminist principles coloured every aspect of my life. As a little girl, I wasn't even allowed to play with dolls or stuffed toys in case they brought out a maternal instinct. It was drummed into me that being a mother, raising children and running a home were a form of slavery. Having a career, travelling the world and being independent were what really mattered according to her.

But the truth was I was very lonely and, with my mother's knowledge, started having sex at 13. I guess it was a relief for my mother as it meant I was less demanding. And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body.

''Feminism has betrayed an entire generation of women into childlessness. It is devastating''


YAAWN!!! :abuxyga::abuxyga::abuxyga:

Dude can you be a little bit less perdictably devious? you are killing all the fun! :ulachen001::ulachen001:
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Don't blame feminism for African American culture - everything except for the banning of toys (usually economics forbids this) is African American dayac culture.

Her daughter is remarkably pretty though - she'll definitely find someone who'll support her to get over her bad upbringing.

PS - I have that exact shirt she's wearing.
Don't blame feminism for African American culture - everything except for the banning of toys (usually economics forbids this) is African American dayac culture.

African American culture? You mean Western Culture. this the leading women who championed Feminism when it started in the 50s and her daughter speaks out about the consequences.

You are confusing ''Womens rights'' with ''Feminism'' Shamis. Thats a linguistical flaw. as both concepts articulate completly different social realities. This i support.

Womens rights responds to injustice against women but seeks solutions within the cultural/biological context, thus it does not ignore or deny the biological design of men and women.

Feminism on the other hand is a Eurocentric reactionary movement created in the 50s, the sole purpose is to pervert human nature and is in agreement with everything that breaks up the Family Unit.


Dunno what you're on about with that lecture - this woman is an African American icon and she was taught in schools to give those people a literary voice. Quote me some feminist literature where it says child sex is OK because it liberates the child?
Dunno what you're on about with that lecture - this woman is an African American icon and she was taught in schools to give those people a literary voice. Quote me some feminist literature where it says child sex is OK because it liberates the child?

Child sex?? there is no Qoute in the story that says child sex is Ok :comeon: It is about a mother who had feminist ideologies and didn't give a shit about her child. Which lead for her child to wander off and do stuff unsupervised.

The women is a Feminist Icon.

Shall i qoute Cadaan/African feminist who share her views?

Or Do you get the fact that Collapsing ''Womens Rights'' with ''Feminism'' is a huge linguistical flaw as both concepts articulate different social realities?


"with my mother's knowledge, started having sex at 13. I guess it was a relief for my mother as it meant I was less demanding. And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body."

This is about one woman's messy mother, she might be a feminist icon but she's a product of her environment. Show me one feminist who advises mothers to let their children have sex as a way of owning their bodies, yes please do.
"with my mother's knowledge, started having sex at 13. I guess it was a relief for my mother as it meant I was less demanding. And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body."

This is about one woman's messy mother, she might be a feminist icon but she's a product of her environment. Show me one feminist who advises mothers to let their children have sex as a way of owning their bodies, yes please do.

When did she advise her to have child sex? The women the story in itself says she didnt care about her child and saw her child as a burden. She was just permissive of her daughter to do whatever.

You left this part out of your qoute btw...

Now I simply cannot understand how she could have been so permissive. I barely want my son to leave the house on a play-date, let alone start sleeping around while barely out of junior school.

A good mother is attentive, sets boundaries and makes the world safe for her child. But my mother did none of those things.


Madax adeegga iska dhaaf

And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body.
Madax adeegga iska dhaaf

And she felt that being sexually active was empowering for me because it meant I was in control of my body.

You take qoutes out of context!

I guess it was a relief for my mother as it meant I was less demanding.

Now I simply cannot understand how she could have been so permissive. I barely want my son to leave the house on a play-date, let alone start sleeping around while barely out of junior school.

A good mother is attentive, sets boundaries and makes the world safe for her child. But my mother did none of those things.

Ergo she didnt give a shit


She never set boundaries or made her world safe. She also encouraged it, that quote was not out of context - she's a deviant.


This is a child protection issue and not a feminism/wombynism blah blah issue.


Feminists are just women with unresolved childhood issues, I wouldn't take them seriously.
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