Clan elder vs Lawyer

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I know a number of chaps who have beat various cases due to the intervention of clan elders .of course , most of the victims involved were all from the Somali community . There was,though, one famous case where a Somali clan paid 10k to a Jamaican victim who was clubbed around the head a by a Somali chap . The charges were dropped .

A few years ago I had a lengthy conversation with 2 CID police officers (don't ask me why ). they knew two things about the Somali community .firstly ,they noticed that a number of young chaps were very keen to stress their somaliland identity when questioned regarding their ethnicity and /or country of origin . Secondly ,to their dismay ,the police seemed to be fed up with the costant intervention of clan elders in serious cases,leading to the victim dropping the charges and sometimes being attacked again .

Good night-

fellows ,chaps and ladies .
I know a number of chaps who have beat various cases due to the intervention of clan elders .of course , most of the victims involved were all from the Somali community . There was,though, one famous case where a Somali clan paid 10k to a Jamaican victim who was clubbed around the head a by a Somali chap . The charges were dropped .

A few years ago I had a lengthy conversation with 2 CID police officers (don't ask me why ). they knew two things about the Somali community .firstly ,they noticed that a number of young chaps were very keen to stress their somaliland identity when questioned regarding their ethnicity and /or country of origin . Secondly ,to their dismay ,the police seemed to be fed up with the costant intervention of clan elders in serious cases,leading to the victim dropping the charges and sometimes being attacked again .

Good night-

fellows ,chaps and ladies .
Somalia is at where it is at now because of these brain dead Clan elders, creating a whole generation that barely have any grasp of their identity, and if they do they use it in the most toxic way ie spewing qabilist nonsense, monkey see monkey do :bell: youngsters parroting and even acting out on the poison and bile that their parents indoctrinated them with, instead of turning a new leaf smh.

These Somali elders are teaching these younger ones that its okay to harm other people and if you get into trouble they will pay to make your problem go away, instead of learning the hard way that there are serious consequences for ones action no wonder we got so many fucked up people with in our midst is cause of these shitty elders I long for the day these elders are long gone and remembered as a mishap in history.

We are litteraly used as a example around the whole world and a term being coined for countries going down the toilet the Somalisation of so and so country, you look at the news and a figure head of a country is shouting down a microphone saying we need to stop the Somalisation of our country smfh.


Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
To be honest rich white people do this when their kid runs into the law: they bribe the plaintiff.

As for Somalisation: First it was Balkanisation, now its Somalisation and in the future it will be Sudanisation.

The world is unfair, Somalis realised and to their credit ended up being on the other side of the playing field.
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