anyone who has read the Futuh-al-Habash, will know that it give evidence for the existence of the Merahan, Gerri Komba, Harti, Midgan, Hawiye in the 16th century yet it does not mention the Ogaden, Bartire, Ishaq, Ciisa and Gudabirsay. We know that Harti especially the Majeertaan moved east and dislodged the Lelkasa. the Hawiya drive out the Ajuraan and developed into the Hiraab (Habir Gidir and Abgaal) and the Rahanwayen migrated into the interravine and dislodged the successor of the Ajuraan and Gaalmadow. we also know what happen in the 19th century Tran-Jubba. we know little about the Somalia Galbeed. how did the Ogaden grow so quickly to become the dominated clan in the west and where did they live before moving west. same with Gudabirsa and Cissa clans how did they become the majority in Awdal and Shinnale when they were not the majority in the 1500 where did they migrate from and who were the ancient Awdalites if not the current Dir clans in the region.