Classical art

Preferably paintings not younger than 1899.

Which paintings have you seen that fascinate you?


"The snake tamer" by serbian painter Pavle Paja Jovanović, from 1887. Very oriental.


Bantu Liberation Movement

Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar (1899) by Lionel Royer

Stańczyk is a painting by Jan Matejko finished in 1862. This painting was acquired by the Warsaw National Museum in 1924. During World War II it was looted by the Nazis and subsequently by the Soviet Union, but was returned to Poland around 1956.
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Saturn Devouring His Son is a painting by Spanish artist Francisco Goya 1823. It depicts the Greek myth of the Titan Cronus eating one of his offspring. Fearing a prophecy foretold by Gaea that predicted he would be overthrown by one of his children, Saturn ate each one upon their birth.
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Salvator Mundi Latin for ''Savior of the World'' is a portrait made by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci (the second one) of the individual know as cesare borgia. Basically the white depiction of Jesus that everyone is familiar with was the portrait of one of the most vile and corrupted men in Italian history who was try to become emperor and wanted the image of Jesus to be made in his image.

If you wanna know more about this guy Christians have made to be the image of there God then check this vid out


Zaporozhian (region in todays Ukraine) cossacks writing a letter (full of insults) to the Sultan.

By Ilia Repin, painted sometime between 1880 and 1891...