Great workFor me, all of those questions are tied down to everyday life and even the people around me. If I, or someone I know, has a need or a problem, then I will try solve it or design a solution either with some 3D printing, electronics, programming or a combination of the three. This way, it becomes a meaningful project, as well as fun and rewarding.
I also, HAVE to programme everyday lol, even when I am not motivated. I have to maintain my poiler plate garbage, my machines, my families machines, and then there is work...
I have a background in desktop software (C++, Windows, C#/.Net) and embedded systems.
If you guys need inspiration, here is some of what I completed these past weeks (that I can share on SSpot)
I needed a simple Af-Somali to English translator that takes any selected text and spits out its English equivalent, so I put something simple together. Its internally using Google and DeepL to translate. I have no idea how accurate they are.
Another one is a "universal" command palette, like the one found in VsCode, only this one works with any software/window on my system. I was getting tired of the inconsistency, even programmes that have them, they are usually garbage and you cannot insert custom commands.
Here I am demonstrating it against my file browser and a 3D software
This last one was a long frustrating project, that I almost binned. After being screwed by Adobe for the Nth time, I have been slowly looking for viable alternatives. This software called Clip Paint is the best alternative for Photoshop, Illustrator and even some parts of After Effects, all in one software. It just has one short coming, the English release has no SDK/API to speak of, this is unlike Adobe, who have really good SDK/APIs.
I have been tinkering with the software, to see if I can achieve any kind of programming interface, I recently had a break through, I can do basic queries, like getting current frame, start frame, end frame and so on.
In this example, the same values shown on the Timeline panels top right side, are also printed on the VsCode debug console.