Col.Barre Hiiraale and Axmed Madoobe meet for talks

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“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam iyo Korneyl Barre Aadan Shire (barre Hiiraale) ayaa maanta ku kulmay magaalada Muqdisho. Si dhab ah looma oga waxa ay ka wada hadkeen labadan masuul, hase ahaatee waxaa loo badinayaa in kulankoodu la xiriiro arimaha dib u heshiisiinta.

Jubaland ayaa waxay ka mid tahay meelaha sida dhabta ah looga wado barnaamijka dib u heshiisiinta, halka deegaanada qaar aan waqti sidaas ah lagu bixinin, sida deegaanada maamullada Koonfurgalbeed iyo Galmudug. Madaxweyne Xassan ayaa socodkiisi ugu dambeeyay ee Jubaland Kismaayo ka sheegay in Jubaland ay tahay deeganka keliya ee ay soomaalida wada degto asaga oo sheegay in Maamulada Puntland, Galmudug iyo Koonfur-galbeed in aysan ka jirin cabasho la mid ah tan Jubaland




Im glad Madoobe is extending his hand to Mujahid Hiiraale?

Wheres Patriot? I thought u said Mudug Marehan are irrelevant? According to the new heshiis Hiiraale may take part in the next elections


There is no place for warlords in the modern jubbaland state. Jubbaland is a fully fleged regional administration just like Puntland and warlords are not welcome. I suggest Barre Hirraale stays out of Jubbaland affairs. He is a puppet for the hawiye.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This man is a savage as far as I'm concerned & president Ahmed madoobe should grant him persona non grata, cause of the crimes this warlord has committed against the people of jubaland. It quit evident that barre hiraale gets his orders those who oppose jubaland. He's been a thorn by the side of all the people of jubaland, he should stay camped offside villa Somalia.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
There is no place for warlords in the modern jubbaland state. Jubbaland is a fully fleged regional administration just like Puntland and warlords are not welcome. I suggest Barre Hirraale stays out of Jubbaland affairs. He is a puppet for the hawiye.
Warlord or no warlord he's more relevant in Kismayu peace talks than dhaboyaco will ever be


Madoobe is responsible for turning the lush forests of Jubaland into a desert in just a couple of years.

The people who hate Hiiraale in this cat fight only hate him for being aligned with Habar Gidir but they'll bootayclap for Kenyans smh
Madoobe is responsible for turning the lush forests of Jubaland into a desert in just a couple of years.

The people who hate Hiiraale in this cat fight only hate him for being aligned with Habar Gidir but they'll bootayclap for Kenyans smh
Allying with Kenyans is better than allying with HG.:stopit:


That's what I thought you'd all say. I think that's grotesque.
Its not bootyclapping.
Kenya kicked out shabaab from Kismayo.Its not like KDF kicked out JVA from Kismaayo.
When AS was in Kismaayo feeding people with Hyenas where was Hiraale? Well he was in Gedo takin orders from Xabashi.The moment Axmed blackie and his coalition took over Kismaayo Hiraale went to Xamar stayed their met his fratenity group walalaha galgaduud and with the blessing and financial support of qoslaaye used a boat to enter into Kismaayo and started creating instability he was kicked out and he flew back to xamar to take more orders.
Well if KDF retreats back to Kenya.Shabaab will take back Kismaayo and Walaalaha Galgaduud would not even dare but Xamar will be celebrating coz of xasidnimo.
If Xamar are for real let them ask the Ugandan fufu soilders to go back to Kampala and leta see how long hutus can keep Xamar.
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