Communication and Somalis

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Queen Carawelo

Why do Somalis are bad with communicating with each other? How come we don't express how we feel without being afraid of being judged and gossiped about. I've seen individuals who had mental break down, who came from close families but they still didn't communicate with each other.


there's a real disconnect between parents and their children in Somali culture. my parents didn't take my sister seriously until after she got married and had kids.
Key words/phrases: Somali family + communication + expressing oneself = being afraid & mental breakdown. No wonder I almost fainted the other day when I had to make a presentation in class. I think you've made a good point there, @Idol. :meleshame:

Speaking of presentations, am I the only person who dreads that horror by the way? As far as I can remember all my life, there is nothing that scares the hell out of me more than standing in front of a group of people and making a speech. Regardless of how familiar I am with the subject I have to talk about or even know the people present in the room, stage fright is one thing I could never overcome so far. I may have some kind of undiagnosed/undetected anxiety disorder.



Key words/phrases: Somali family + communication + expressing oneself = being afraid & mental breakdown. No wonder I almost fainted the other day when I had to make a presentation in class. I think you've made a good point there, @Idol. :meleshame:

Speaking of presentations, am I the only person who dreads that horror by the way? As far as I can remember all my life, there is nothing that scares the hell out of me more than standing in front of a group of people and making a speech. Regardless of how familiar I am with the subject I have to talk about or even know the people present in the room, stage fright is one thing I could never overcome so far. I may have some kind of undiagnosed/undetected anxiety disorder.

Ninyow midoo inkaar qabto oo ii ahayd counselor baa waxay igu qortay public speech class. I don't know why she did that to me but I go into this class thinking it won't w hard but it was. Well the beginning wasn't that difficult but it got harder as time went on. The first few weeks all we did was easy shit like stand in front of the class for like 30 sec and introduce yourself. Short impromptu speeches etc At one point I had to stand in front of 24 people for 7 minutes and present my speech. Mf were staring at me and shit the whole time lmao. If you don't make eye contact the teacher cuts points from your grade.:damn:I dreaded every sec I spent in that damn class Walahi. I had to research and shit and still talk in front of hella people. If I had known I would go through all that would've never taken it.
Ninyow midoo inkaar qabto oo ii ahayd counselor baa waxay igu qortay public speech class. I don't know why she did that to me but I go into this class thinking it won't w hard but it was. Well the beginning wasn't that difficult but it got harder as time went on. The first few weeks all we did was easy shit like stand in front of the class for like 30 sec and introduce yourself. At one point I had to stand in front of 24 people and present my speech. Mf were staring at me and shit the whole time lmao. If you don't make eye contact the teacher cuts points from your grade.:damn:I dreaded every sec I spent in that damn class Walahi.

:deadrose: Tell me about it, man. And you're right, I wasn't making a good eye contact (duh! I was nervous as hell) so the tutor had to deduct 3 points for that. :angryman:

I really, really hate public speaking. I would rather lose points than stand in front of people and make a speech. My mind tends to fail me and go blank & I start stuttering, fidgeting and pacing around like a possessed individual. F public speaking & presentations! :Sutehja:


:deadrose: Tell me about it, man. And you're right, I wasn't making a good eye contact (duh! I was nervous as hell) so the tutor had to deduct 3 points for that. :angryman:

I really, really hate public speaking. I would rather lose points than stand in front of people and make a speech. My mind tends to fail me and go blank & I start stuttering, fidgeting and pacing around like a possessed individual. F public speaking & presentations! :Sutehja:
I don't know how easy it is for some people ninyow.:francis:You know you critique people after they're done with their speeches? I did it few times and I was nice enough to give good feedback but some fukers don't repay the favor back.:chrisfreshhah:Me and the homie found out the hard way lmao. After we found out we started fuking up their score on their speeches by saying shit like they didn't make eye contact, They didn't talk loud enough and other things we made up obamadatazz
The one I did last week had one positive side to it, but a big-ass negative side as well. It was just the tutor doing the grading and giving the feedback (it was the end of a unit presentation) but it was a one-time thing. If we had to practice like you said you did, that could have lowered our anxiety and nervousness (yeah, almost everyone was nervous before their turn arrived lol) and let us do the final one slightly better. No, it was just a one-time presentation and the last time I did public speaking presentation in a class like that was a decade ago. FML!
I'll tell where this stems from, Islam. In Islam you're told to never talk back to your parents, to not say 'uf', to always be obedient. You're told to love your parent unconditionally even if they're piece of shits.


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Some people are not built for public speaking. And others just got a knack for it.

I was invited back to my old school to speak in front a bunch of white 15-16 year old teenagers about routes to take in careers etc. It was piss easy. I established authority immediately. I used hand gestures and I made eye contact. A week later their teacher e-mailed me saying they liked my speech the best.

But it's one thing talking to teenagers and talking in front of adults. I tried one time and I fucking did badly. Public speaking ain't for me.



Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
I really hate speaking in public I always fail to make eye contact with the teacher but for my last exam I was sick and took a lot of medicine and somehow managed to ace it :dance: in front of a amphitheater full of students :confused:
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