Conan O'Brien's DNA Test Stunned His Doctor

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Imagine taking it though and finding out you're like 99.999% Somali and 0.00001% Chinese.

That's like most of the Somalis on 23andMe. They all have 99-99.9% Somali, with different variations of other groups like 0.2% South Asian, 0.1% Broadly European, .0.5% Ethiopian and Eritrean etc. Very few people got 100% Somali. Even I got like trace amounts of Ethiopian/Eritrean, Nigerian and Sardinian (wtf).


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
That's like most of the Somalis on 23andMe. They all have 99-99.9% Somali, with different variations of other groups like 0.2% South Asian, 0.1% Broadly European, .0.5% Ethiopian and Eritrean etc. Very few people got 100% Somali. Even I got like trace amounts of Ethiopian/Eritrean, Nigerian and Sardinian (wtf).

I question your skechy results. :hova:


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Some Somalis were getting chinese and native American. My results aren't that crazy. Remember, these are trace amounts. Anything less than 1% is background noise. Anything less than 5% is negligible.

:farmajoyaab: I was on the verge of mapping out your ancestral story.
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