Congo, Just Sad!




Replace the entire Congo population with cadaans and wallahi DRC would turn 1st world overnight. Some people are just too fickle to govern such gifted and blessed land like the Congo. That man simply helped himself because the locals clearly can't take advantage of their resources.


Sad world we are living in. Africans leaders surely failed the country and the people. it only takes a little money to take advantage of the poor.

The country has too many resources but lack of smart leaders


Death Awaits You
Growing up, I used to watch a lot of Congolese shows that used to air on french channels. They were hella funny and entertaining.
Replace the entire Congo population with cadaans and wallahi DRC would turn 1st world overnight. Some people are just too fickle to govern such gifted and blessed land like the Congo. That man simply helped himself because the locals clearly can't take advantage of their resources.
They overthrow Mobuto and from then on all hell broke loss! Now they have so many corrupt people stealing money from the country.

At least Mobuto brought the fun events and made sure peace was in the country!


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Congo is what would happen if Somalia’s civil war lasted 200 years.

Their society has been shattered from the brutal colonisation to Mobutu to civil war to this.

I feel sorry for them, they never got a break.
Replace the entire Congo population with cadaans and wallahi DRC would turn 1st world overnight. Some people are just too fickle to govern such gifted and blessed land like the Congo. That man simply helped himself because the locals clearly can't take advantage of their resources.
Somalia too :drakelaugh:the audacity of you guys
Congo's 'elite' are to blame for the current situation; 'nobody can ride you unless your back is bent.'

The 'elite' in all our 'Nations' permit these type of things because the public is often too poor, uneducated and divided to demand better.

Africa in general is the same even Somalia which is far worse than them given the fact that it has a tiny population compared to other African countries its a homogeneous all muslim, same language. Sounds like the perfect country on paper right. But look at where members of this forum are typing from. Lets have a perspective. We are all in the same boat as Africans no but or ifs and put your stupid pride aside we are all the children of Adam.


Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
Congo is a land that has everything that Allah has bestowed on a country. It is a blessing and curse at the same time. They have attracted foreign bahalo