Conjugal visits is important, I hope Somali prisons allow it ? If not, we might end up have a qoomuluudh pandemic. Faarax may turn into Fleece Johnson

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Balaayo kugu dhacdey, the moment you enter that prison fleece Johnson will raid your dabo :drakelaugh: :damn: :damn::damn::ohhh:

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I do something called "what I want"
I thought you were about to say something actually smart. But I guess that's too much to expect from you.

Conjugal visits is important for a prisoner's sanity and overall mental-health. You can't expect to reform a prisoner when they're not allowed to spend time with their loved ones, or else they'll grow more and more distant from their society and some will go into depression. If Somalia doesn't have that then we'll have even worse and more dangerous people walking around.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
Mudane @Grigori Rasputin is right you know.

All this violence in society performed by young men is due their inability to obtain sexual relations with women.

It builds up frustration and leads to a let-it-all-burn attitude.


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Mudane @Grigori Rasputin is right you know.

All this violence in society performed by young men is due their inability to obtain sexual relations with women.

It builds up frustration and leads to a let-it-all-burn attitude.


Yes there is a let-it-all-burn-attitude but not for sex. Envy, because they are peasants. No jobs. No life :(

Its a sad circle.
Never made sense to me when people say this, so if there is no naag it will lead you to another dude's futo? :susp:

Rub one off if you have to ffs
Exactly, why is it that they they even need to f*ck in the first place, if there's no women to f*ck they'll just f*ck other men?? :snoop:They need to learn to control themselves, and these prisons need to teach them that

