Except rer mahad who are backstabb ersCumar maxamud dont Mess around when they say they will do something best believe it will be done Masha Allah waa dhadka ugu firfircoon when it comes to Puntland
Except rer mahad who are backstabb ersCumar maxamud dont Mess around when they say they will do something best believe it will be done Masha Allah waa dhadka ugu firfircoon when it comes to Puntland
If the current situation is anything to go by, Murusade will be the ones eating, not Marehan.
Masha Allah no xaasad from farmaajo or khayre will stop the construction of garacad port.
May the curse of Allah be upon khayre and farmaajo amiin thuma amiin who wanted to prevent this puntlanders we must never forgive and we must never forget
@Shaolin23 @embarassing @AarLibaax @nine @Sheikh i hope your eyes bleed due to xaasidnimo you bare for puntland
I agree cismaan maxamud are too divided and theres enmity between the sub clans and each sub clan does thing individually whereas cumar maxamud all put their money into one company i will give you an exqmple in bosaso cumar maxamud has like 10 major companies that every cumar maxamud subclan is a stakeholder while cismaan maxamud has four small companies that each sub clan of cismaan maxamud own individually you will never see a major company belonging to all cismaan maxamud thats why i commend cumar maxamud for working together goob weeye wallahi
When you become too many there seems to be no unity boowe its a shame and xaasidnimo becomes prevalent each sub clan looks out for their own theres no unity even in qardho which belongs to garab saare theres always fighting between garab saare and bah dirooble who are squatting in qardho while abandoning the most furtile lands in isku shuuban, murcanyo, baargaal, xaafuun, bareeda, ufeyn, dharoor...Yes osman mahmoud kill themselves a-lot more then omar mahmoud do have u noticed all the aano qabiil shit in bari, waa wax lala yaabo run ahanti. Especially in the diaspora, the only people ka nool waa omar mahmoud from what I seen.
Masha Allah cumar maxamud has 13 major companies in bosaso while cismaan maxamud has only three small companies and ciise has 8 major companies while cali saleeban has only one small company in bosaso really bosaso belongs to cumar maxamud since they own most of the businessesreer mahad our the fathers of puntland. galkayo is my second home. and im so proud of garacad walahi it will be bigger and better than bosaso because it is so close to ethiopia. garacad if build properly will be more efficient and effective than berbera in sha allah. i am very closesly related to cabdulahi yusuf. my fathers mother AUN was reer mahad. My mothers mother is reer mahad. reer abdi aden to be exact. i will always have respect for omar mohamud. in bosaso 3 days ago a omar mohamoud reer abdille soldier in the marines killed two of his co workers for no reason. simply because they wouldnt get off his chair. the two murdered were omar mohamoud-abdi isse. and reer bicdiyaan. AUN to both of them. the guy when question apperently said "whats the big deal i only killed two" he thaught because he was related to gaas he was going to get away with it. hes still sitting in jail waiting his sentence
When you become too many there seems to be no unity boowe its a shame and xaasidnimo becomes prevalent each sub clan looks out for their own theres no unity even in qardho which belongs to garab saare theres always fighting between garab saare and bah dirooble who are squatting in qardho while abandoning the most furtile lands in isku shuuban, murcanyo, baargaal, xaafuun, bareeda, ufeyn, dharoor...
okay name these companies and we will consider your views on bosaso legit.Masha Allah cumar maxamud has 13 major companies in bosaso while cismaan maxamud has only three small companies and ciise has 8 major companies while cali saleeban has only one small company in bosaso really bosaso belongs to cumar maxamud since they own most of the businesses
okay name these companies and we will consider your views on bosaso legit.
During siad barre era most people who attacked were cismaan maxamud especially bah dirooble and cumar maxamud by placing embargo’s on them and killing or arresting themWhy are they leaving for? I can't imagine my sub clan leaving nugaal, it's where all our history is and the people we know. Why would bah dirooble leave bari
Name me 2 companies owned by cali saleeban there’s only one company while cumar maxamud has 13 major companies in bosasookay name these companies and we will consider your views on bosaso legit.
I can name you many cumar maxamud companies such as amal, somali channel, goolis..im not responding to no tribal fueds anymore and the size of tribes and stupid stuff. lets get back to the facts. just name some companies. because i actually know the companies you are talking about and most companies are shared
university of bosaso. over 25 campuses lol. sahan mall the biggest mall in bosaso owned by ismail cali sub clan of cali saleebaan. red sea the biggest construction supply comapny in puntland. they have the most offices and warehouses. not too mention we own like 80% of all ships.Name me 2 companies owned by cali saleeban there’s only one company while cumar maxamud has 13 major companies in bosaso
wtf golis is shared by all puntland. lol i own shares in golis. wtf amal is shared by a lot but your right omar mohamoud is majorityI can name you many cumar maxamud companies such as amal, somali channel, goolis..
Name me two cali saleeban companies in bosaso?