Corrupt and Oligarchic region of Somaliand's president Bihi orders all vehicles in SL to have insurance through relative owned new manapoly comapny


[[Puntland Republic ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฑ]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Like I said before in the thread posted below, the traingle desert region on the NW of Somalia Somaliand has been minicking Djibouti style of economic manapoly and Oligarchic governance.

This Amana insurance owned by Bihi's relatives manoplized the UAE owned port of Berbera transportation needs even after the SL supreme court ruled them out to be unconstitutional and now Muse Bihi's failed government is forcing the whole traingle's vehicles to pay Amana a premium money if they wish to drive inside the rough desert region,lol.


