Corruption & Aid Dependence - Why all aid should be cut.

In my opinion external support getting cut is a great thing in the long run for the fgs.

No country became developed and first world due to aid money.

I would even argue it cripples society and encourages lethargic financial policy and corruption.

This will force the dowlad to sink or swim. It will also encourage officials to root out corruption. There only so much you can loot before collapsing the entire system your sitting on.

All of Somalia suffer from this chronic aid addiction. No region is truly financially independent.

It's the khat equivalent on a govermental level. Also extremely reminiscent to diaspora remittance and attitudes towards work among many somalis back home.
In my opinion external support getting cut is a great thing in the long run for the fgs.

No country became developed and first world due to aid money.

I would even argue it cripples society and encourages lethargic financial policy and corruption.

This will force the dowlad to sink or swim. It will also encourage officials to root out corruption. There only so much you can loot before collapsing the entire system your sitting on.

All of Somalia suffer from this chronic aid addiction. No region is truly financially independent.

It's the khat equivalent on a govermental level. Also extremely reminiscent to diaspora remittance and attitudes towards work among many somalis back home.
It’s only the common people that will suffer though. Hassan Xaraash will take the first flying donkey out of Aden Adde as soon as the collapse is imminent and it will be if aid is cut lol
It’s only the common people that will suffer though. Hassan Xaraash will take the first flying donkey out of Aden Adde as soon as the collapse is imminent and it will be if aid is cut lol
I'm not just talking about Hassan. However that is in charge will realise that obsence amount of corruption and looting simply isn't viable. Especially when the goverment is in a perculiar position.

It will simply force their hand to knock off corruption. Sink or Swim
I'm not just talking about Hassan. However that is in charge will realise that obsence amount of corruption and looting simply isn't viable. Especially when the goverment is in a perculiar position.

It will simply force their hand to knock off corruption. Sink or Swim
I’ve been saying it’s not sustainable but I can’t foresee this ending any way other than shabab coming back and banning all sports except to hold nightly public amputations for entertainment at Mogadishu stadium if this continues.
I’ve been saying it’s not sustainable but I can’t foresee this ending any way other than shabab coming back and banning all sports except to hold nightly public amputations for entertainment at Mogadishu stadium if this continues.
The Khawarij threat is overplayed.

These guys can't stand against clan militias let alone the SNA without moving like guerrillas

The reason is simply they don't have the support of most clans and regions. Hence why they fall back on minority and divided clans in places like kgs and middle juba. Not to mention their own financial predicament due to improved sanctions.

The real threat is foregin bad actors such as Ethiopia and the UAE. The geopolitical situation around Somalia is full of vultures. Also why the goverment needs to get its shit together and start acting legit and end the whole aid obession, foregin dependance in order to get true sovereignty.

The reason federalism even exist is because the central goverment had no real authority and failed to properly control the nation.
The Khawarij threat is overplayed.

These guys can't stand against clan militias let alone the SNA without moving like guerrillas

The reason is simply they don't have the support of most clans and regions. Hence why they fall back on minority and divided clans in places like kgs and middle juba. Not to mention their own financial predicament due to improved sanctions.

The real threat is foregin bad actors such as Ethiopia and the UAE. The geopolitical situation around Somalia is full of vultures. Also why the goverment needs to get its shit together and start acting legit and end the whole aid obession, foregin dependance in order to get true sovereignty.

The reason federalism even exist is because the central goverment had no real authority and failed to properly control the nation.
So are you in favor of centralism?
Yes, under a competent serious goverment.
Impossible sxb. Central government was tried once for 20 years. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. Somalia is far too large geographically to be centralized. Might work in Jabuuti though lol.
Impossible sxb. Central government was tried once for 20 years. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. Somalia is far too large geographically to be centralized. Might work in Jabuuti though lol.

Problem for you is that Somalia has broad security issues across multiple federal states. That prevents ground up political process so you are stuck with central government.
In my opinion external support getting cut is a great thing in the long run for the fgs.

No country became developed and first world due to aid money.

I would even argue it cripples society and encourages lethargic financial policy and corruption.

This will force the dowlad to sink or swim. It will also encourage officials to root out corruption. There only so much you can loot before collapsing the entire system your sitting on.

All of Somalia suffer from this chronic aid addiction. No region is truly financially independent.

It's the khat equivalent on a govermental level. Also extremely reminiscent to diaspora remittance and attitudes towards work among many somalis back home.
I support the removal of all aid, all foreign support or involvement.

It will be chaotic but eventually it will lead to a new Somalia. Local organic solutions will emerge. There can be no Somali led process whilst everyone is involved on one side or another.
Problem for you is that Somalia has broad security issues across multiple federal states. That prevents ground up political process so you are stuck with central government.
Problem for you is that SL has broad security issues. There is another army deep inside the womb of your ‘country’. What are you doing about it other then ignoring them lol
This Is Fine GIF
I would say get the aid but instead of getting it to the poor, sell it in Bakaro Market so at least we make money
Food aid, is sold on the Bakaara market, that's how a lot of those politicians become wealthy. They also divert development projects to their own companies, and skim the money. Look at Barawe 'Airport' for example.

The Barawe Airport was supposed to be $4.3 Million dollars, SMH.

Looks like it's worth less than 100,000, the runway was washed away by rain.

Somalia: Barawe's $4.3 million airport runway washed by mild rains Somalia: Barawe's $4.3 million airport runway washed by mild rains 660 × 364


Forza Somalia!
In my opinion external support getting cut is a great thing in the long run for the fgs.

No country became developed and first world due to aid money.

I would even argue it cripples society and encourages lethargic financial policy and corruption.

This will force the dowlad to sink or swim. It will also encourage officials to root out corruption. There only so much you can loot before collapsing the entire system your sitting on.

All of Somalia suffer from this chronic aid addiction. No region is truly financially independent.

It's the khat equivalent on a govermental level. Also extremely reminiscent to diaspora remittance and attitudes towards work among many somalis back home.
Israel became successful due to the billions in support they got and still getting since 1949


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
Problem for you is that SL has broad security issues. There is another army deep inside the womb of your ‘country’. What are you doing about it other then ignoring them lol
This Is Fine GIF
We got ethiopian soldiers within somalia, SL is our territory too.


I agree. Aid has stunted our development towards self sustainability. Somalia needs to realize that aid shouldn't take the place of actual solutions, farmers are the only hope.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Impossible sxb. Central government was tried once for 20 years. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again. Somalia is far too large geographically to be centralized. Might work in Jabuuti though lol.
How did it work for Ethiopia and not Somalia ?
How did it work for Ethiopia and not Somalia ?
That's a good question but is it really working for Ethiopia? There are regular gun battles in Addis now between their gov and rebels. They recently defaulted on debt as well. I don't think it looks good for Ethiopia. They and Somalia may end up balkanizing in the end.

