Couple of things I need to get off my chest tonight!

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the fuckery.

As a Somali woman I'm sick and tired of old, ignorant, basic ass Somali people telling me to isku xishood when I challenge them. What do they know about xishood? They dismiss young women and basically shoot down their intelligence. But when a bum guy does the same, he's praised in the Somali community. I love my people but we need to do better.

Secondly no Somali man whether he was born and bred in the West or in Africa wants a successful wife. Somali men are conniving (they're not but they think they are) sleazeballs. Who basically want a baby machine and a chef, cleaner and a sex partner. They don't know the value of having a wife.

Thirdly I hate let me rephrase that I despise people back home who encourage a happily married man to marry, a smelly, ugly, ignorant woman as a second wife. How can he go from a designer brand to Kmart brand?

A Somali woman's enemy is a Somali woman.

Why are all fobs so damn ugly? Even if they didn't live in a refugee camp, they are just ugly.

I'm going to dinner. I will reply to you all later.



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
:ftw9nwa: You're so superficial exceedingly materialistic, vain & narcissistic,you lack dept & humility, what good is the world if you lose your soul.


Move right or get left
Wallahi I have a sister that's very similar to this woman. She always has to wear the newest sht, top brands and doesn't like being told off by her elders or anyone else. Except she's in her late teens and will probably grow out of it. Respect the elderly waryaa.


closer to god we africans
:ftw9nwa: You're so superficial exceedingly materialistic, vain & narcissistic,you lack dept & humility, what good is the world if you lose your soul.
Grab a cup of tea and enjoy the fuckery.

As a Somali woman I'm sick and tired of old, ignorant, basic ass Somali people telling me to isku xishood when I challenge them. What do they know about xishood? They dismiss young women and basically shoot down their intelligence. But when a bum guy does the same, he's praised in the Somali community. I love my people but we need to do better.

Secondly no Somali man whether he was born and bred in the West or in Africa wants a successful wife. Somali men are conniving (they're not but they think they are) sleazeballs. Who basically want a baby machine and a chef, cleaner and a sex partner. They don't know the value of having a wife.

Thirdly I hate let me rephrase that I despise people back home who encourage a happily married man to marry, a smelly, ugly, ignorant woman as a second wife. How can he go from a designer brand to Kmart brand?

A Somali woman's enemy is a Somali woman.

Why are all fobs so damn ugly? Even if they didn't live in a refugee camp, they are just ugly.

I'm going to dinner. I will reply to you all later.


The Somalis men in west want well educated women for couples:
1. If he passed away so she can take care of kids
2. Double incomes especially if you are Somali guy ( most of them send money to family back home)
3. Social status to have educated wife
Those things I personally heard them from single guys


Can skinnies ever stop staring? Like mf you ain't know me fuh you staring at me foh?:what::umwhat:


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Excellent excellent. You finally got people to laugh with you instead of AT you. You hit a milestone there.
To be frank I couldn't care less, I'm not here to make friends, I'm not here to impress you, I'm speaking my mind, f*ck the friendship I ride alone.
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