Cousin marriages

Cousin marriages among Somalis Have a

  • High Rate Of Occurrances (Happen In Every Family Like once or twice)

  • Medium Rate Of Occurrences (Happen In Every Other Family)

  • Low Rate Of Occurrences (Happens Rarely Like 1 in 10 families) Haven't seen it in may family.

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Excuse the typo on the third option. 🙏 My*
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Marrying your cousin is usually seen as a sign of not being able to find a spouse independently. In the more populated and diverse southern regions of Somalia, cousin marriage is less common. Plus, these regions are far from the Gulf, where cousin marriages are more prevalent. So, the previous comment may not apply here.

Cousin marriages are not really common in all of Somalia and are more individual cases not in high enough numbers to make sweeping statements where and where not its more common.


teetering in-between realities
It's uncommon in the Somali community but should be encouraged. cousin marriage is beneficial and strengths family ties
It shouldn't be encouraged because encouragement will lead to more and more cousin marriages which isn't good for soceity, for example in pakistan cousin marriages are encouraged, but as a result, inbreeding and birth defects have increased significantly, they are ok if they are uncommon but encouraging it for the sake of family ties is not rational.What happens if the cousin marriage doesn't work out, how will the divorce affect the family?
I barely see Somalis marry their cousins, or at least in my family, we only marry within our clan/sub clan.
cousin marriage is beneficial and strengths family ties
it doesn’t strength anything, who in their right minds wants to engage in sexual activity with a cousin??just say you’re freaky weirdo and keep quiet.
Somalis can hardly take care of themselves. who’s going to care and support hundreds thousands of disabled people? half of pakistan is cooked because of it


A man without a 🐪 won't be praised in afterlife
I always see people stating somalis have high rates of cousin marriage but I am yet to see any sources or evidence proving it, I think since its quite common in arab and south asian communities people just assumed it would be common with us as well:francis:

