Craziest post of the night

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I'm speaking about the Western Somali mother-to-be

They all have c-sections!

And they need to also take it easy on that long as needle that they stick it up their back. That shit leads to a lifetime of back pain.

In any case our females are doomed. They speak unintelligible English and they have kids like a rabbit and the doctors are usually racist and so they do as they wish. They even give them falsified advice if the Somali family asks any advice while the mother is in labor. They are truely fucked.

I'm actually gonna say outright that that's why Minnesota has 1 in 3 Somali child born to have that autism bc of the racist doctors who over apply medication on the mother during labor and also taking few more seconds to pull that baby out, which deprives the child of oxygen

:dead: :dead:
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