Creep on the bus


Früher of the Djibouti Ugaasate 🇩🇯
So I just came back from an adventure and whilst I was on the bus, I saw this guy grabbing the head of the chair where a girl sat and he kept grabbing it for no reason, eventually her hair sort of went over the chair into his side after we went over a speed bump and the guy started playing with her hair??????
I started looking out the window and everytime I did that, bro was staring at me.
So anyways, as people started to get off, the guy started doing a little dance on his seat and me and the girl look at each other as we were both getting off and she looked like she was about to cry, she kept looking at me as we were all getting off the bus so I felt like she was trying to tell me something.


Bro I'm some teenager and this is some massive 6ft west African guy. Tf am I gonna do.
But can't lie I should've talked to her
my bad. i didn't know the pervert was that huge :deadpeter: talking to her would have been nice tho