crying about president Deni and president Cagjar

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Ethiopians should feel welcome anywhere in Ethiopia .

It pains me to see My Ethiopian brothers of Oromo origin been targeted and rounded up like cattle by the Puntland administration in Somalia , most of them had their investments and shops looted and forcibly repatriated to the Werder Town in subhuman conditions where some of the vulnerable people like the old , women and children died of hunger .

After following this story closely I was happy when these repatriated Ethiopians reached Werder Town, I thought to myself thank God finally my fellow Ethiopians reached Ethiopia since Werder Town is part of Ethiopia only to find out that the Mustefa regime doesn't think our repatriated brothers who have endured all sorts of hardship belong there . What Mustefa's regime did to these people is far more worse than what Puntland did because The Mustefa Administration instead of resettling these Ethiopian nationals in the vast open farmlands of Gode or the two Imis east or west he even took advantage of their suffering by adding newly rounded up Oromo people from the Somali Region as it was a coordinated move between Mustefa and Said Abdulahi of the Puntland administration to persecute and cleanse Oromo people from their regions . Doesn't Mustefa realise Somali Region is Ethiopia or doesn't he know that the Jijiga he is exiling Oromos from actually belongs to Oromia ?

I am sure as soon as I post this article Mustefa will try to cover his tracks by offering financial aid to these innocent Ethiopians he helped exile from the Somali region just because they are Oromo.

These are ugly times when Ethiopian is not welcome on Ethiopian land or an Ethiopian is exiled from other Ethiopian land , I urge the Oromia Administration to resettle Our brothers and sisters who were exiled from Puntland and Somali Region to make them regain the confidence they lost by making them feel welcome and reintegrate them by helping them financially or provide them with land to farm so that they could self sustain.
Leviticus 25:23
God says
" The land must never be sold on a permanent basis, for the land belongs to me. You are only foreigners and tenant farmers working for me " .

God bless Ethiopia



While I am for all communities living in complete harmony regardless of race or religion, I could sense the authors strong bias and agenda. He must also address the concerns of the Somali community and why this happened. We need to understand each other and then work together :)


Make Hobyo Great Again
It pains me to see My Ethiopian brothers of Oromo origin been targeted and rounded up like cattle by the Puntland administration in Somalia ,

most of them had their investments and shops looted and forcibly repatriated to the Werder Town in subhuman conditions

where some of the vulnerable people like the old , women and children died of hunger .


Wtf just checked the comments on the post:bell: it seems reer @Ferrari is doomed to cucknimo, kulaha somalia and Oromo are brothers:gucciwhat: and I’m talking about like 20 or so of these posts:bell: good thing Deni got them out or the same would happen to us, the youngins back home have some problems Being way too inviting thinking a Oromo is somehow are brother:nahgirl:
Damn Ogaden I finished. There is a reason why countries have border walls. These promos will soon claim all Ogaden land and Somaliland too. While we will see the next generation of Bantu down south claim jubbaland.



It's all so tiresome
Oromos are a non issue in the horn. It's just that some people in Addis want to aggravate a non issue into a conflict to distract Somalis.

Oromia never even used to exist... If it wasn't for the Brits and Amxaar we could've pushed back to Kenya and South Sudan were they came from.
If somalis were xenophobic people, this would never happen.

if every oromo who travels our lands was murdered, u think they would be coming?

fucking parasites.

Amhara and Tigray are gearing up for a war on their border as we speak, and there was also a rebellion in the langaab south yesterday.

Ethiopia is slowly disintegrating, when that happens, we'll see what these filthy oromos do to survive.
If somalis were xenophobic people, this would never happen.

if every oromo who travels our lands was murdered, u think they would be coming?

fucking parasites.

Amhara and Tigray are gearing up for a war on their border as we speak, and there was also a rebellion in the langaab south yesterday.

Ethiopia is slowly disintegrating, when that happens, we'll see what these filthy oromos do to survive.
Halkaas ka hay :samwelcome:
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