Currency Myths and Phobia


I am not sure why Somalis have developed a 'myth' around 'fake money' being printed and out of nowhere theories. Listen money has no intrisic value, if it did have an intrinsic value it wouldn't be tied to a product/good/service. So what is of value isn't the currency itself but what is produced for it. An example is those IDP camps in Somalia as you can see when u lack product/service/good you also lack money, so where is the problem? it's the lack of products/good/services and not currency since currency is only a way to measure your product/good/service.

If money was printed from thin-air it can only lead to an imbalance on products/goods/services and thus making that currency worthless like u see with the Somali shilling, the only reason the dollar is a reliable currency is because it's literally backed by large volumes of products/goods/services, it's the only logical choice as having for a world currency.

You could take American products/goods/services and the volume and measure it on any currency be it gold and it wouldn't change it's value. The reason they're richer is due to simply more production of products/goods/services or else they would be like the IDP camps of Somalia also. Your poor because your people do not produce anything of value in order to exchange money beyond of course 'aid or charity' as that is the only thing they can rely on is to suck dry on other people's mode of production and hope thru charity they are given something. A society of charity isn't an economic model to be proud of.

It's well known that the whole nation is all grounded in Charity be it remittance, grants, aid, ngos, this is the backbone of Somali economy, you are literally trying to get rich of other people 'scraps' and turning it into a business model kkkkk. Get of your ass you sons of es and show the world your PRODUCTION VALUE because you ain't get money for nothing or else sit there for hand outs in camps because that's what awaits people who do not have produce anything.

It has nothing to do with currency manipulation as you cannot manipulate the amount of goods/product quantity in just one 'village' of America is larger then your national output of 15 million people. No joke the yearly products/goods/services of just one 'village' in America is the same as all Somalia products/goods. The difference is a village is 5000 people in america yet your 15 million people. 2500 people are producing the same products/goods as your 15 million people. The way you can tell this simple fact is simple. Split 18 trillion dollars of america economy/7 billion dollar Somalia economy.

This is the global production of 2500 people in America each year kkkkkk, yet it takes 15 million people for you to produce the same products/goods value per year. How is it 2500 people in America hold 7 billion dollars yet 15 million in Somalia hold 7 billion. If u want to translate to pots of gold we can do so. You only have 150 tonnes of gold for 15 million people where-as America has 150 tons of gold for 2500 people.

You are viciously poor dude no matter what measurement you want to take. It's time u work out Somalia production to be on par with the rest of the world and demand each Somalia produce $50,000 a year x 15 million which is $750 billion economy either you can do that thru ogligarchy and concentrate it to a few people or consortiums or take social liberal economic view and federalize it to create different wealth classes such as poor-middle-high and then sub divided as lower poor/upper poor, lower middle/upper middle, lower high/upper high across the market based on $50,000 being the 'middle' rule and determining people wealth groups of that average.

So if your in the middle you need to have 50k a year where-as if your poor your 25k and if your really poor your below 25k and getting 'social welfare' to stay alive. If your above 50k to 400k your lower high, if your 400k and above your upper high untill the upper high get divided into various 'percentage' class groups. @hawa-ali hates me for being a 'monarchist and anti republican' and she probably hates my 'liberal economic views' and only supports me on the fact I am pro freedom and laws being about freedom and not god, where-as me and Farjano are strict monarchists but diverge on what the laws of govts should be and our economic market structure is very out of sync.


Waryaa @Jablibax your nation of 15 million people waxay uu dhigman 2500 qof iyo wax soo saarkooda in America. War tuulo america ayaa ka wax soo saar badan dalkina oo dhan. Lacag waxay ku xiran tahay wax soo saar is well established fact or else waxaa ku sugayso charity sida IDP camps who have no wax soo saar. Money is only exchanged for products/goods/services is well known economic fact and charity is given to those who have no 'wax soo saar' kkkkk.

75% of your nation have no wax soo saar and rely on remittance and NGOS becuz no product/good/service only leads to charity economy kkkkk, even your govt is struggling to tax this 'charity' economy because it's not even enough to run a govt kkkkk let alone deliver public services kkkkkk. Nacala kugu yaal @Jablibax I feel like slapping u af-gashin kkkkk war iga tag bastar yahow, 2500 of american futo ayaa dhaamo 15 million somali futos.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Waryaa @Jablibax your nation of 15 million people waxay uu dhigman 2500 qof iyo wax soo saarkooda in America. War tuulo america ayaa ka wax soo saar badan dalkina oo dhan. Lacag waxay ku xiran tahay wax soo saar is well established fact or else waxaa ku sugayso charity sida IDP camps who have no wax soo saar. Money is only exchanged for products/goods/services is well known economic fact and charity is given to those who have no 'wax soo saar' kkkkk.

75% of your nation have no wax soo saar and rely on remittance and NGOS becuz no product/good/service only leads to charity economy kkkkk, even your govt is struggling to tax this 'charity' economy because it's not even enough to run a govt kkkkk let alone deliver public services kkkkkk. Nacala kugu yaal @Jablibax I feel like slapping u af-gashin kkkkk war iga tag bastar yahow, 2500 of american futo ayaa dhaamo 15 million somali futos.



Me and @Jablibax are on TV laughing after saw Somalia waxay uu dhiganta tuulo oo 2500 oo qof wax soo saarkoooda kkkk, 2500 people in a village in america has the same wealth as 15 million Somalis, because 18 trillion/350 million is 50k per person, where-as if u take that american economy of 18 trillion and split it evenly on 7 billion, it only takes 2500 people to produce 7 billion.

We know in America this isn't the case with wealth concentrated with a small group of upper rich and why the middle/low are not eating from that $18 trillion a larger slice but if communist got it's way, they wud share that across their population and create one wealth base below the govt who has the largest 'wealth' , they would assign 2500 people in america 150 tonnes of gold or 7 billion dollars for each 2500 segment in those 300 million people equally.

Where-as liberal economics is not suggesting that but suggesting only to shift those below 50k a year average into the middle class of 50k a year, they want to lessen those 25k or less category thru govt intervention/taxes/wage laws/land subsidies so that lower wealth group becomes obsolete and the wealth class begins at 50k for all they are not attempting to change the 'over-all wealth distribution of the nation' which is a total lie.

They are not saying let's split that 18 trillion and create one wealth class with everyone having the same portion of money that is communism not social liberalism, social liberalism want's to lessen the poor category and shift them to middle class of society thru govt interventions


@Jablibax wuu washtay marku arkay in america 2500 qof ayaa isku dahab haysto 15 million dadkisa kkkk, every-day ayuu mara tuuloyinka america as truck driver iyo marku arko hada wuxu arka 2500 dadkasi ayaa haysto sanduqa dalkisa oo dhan, hadi manta hantiga america loo kala qaybiyo 7 billion dollar oo qof walbo lagu aadiyo sanduq, 2500 oo qof ayaa uu sanduq dhigmayso shan iyo toban million somaliyeed gebigisa kkkk. That's why jablibax wuu washtay kkkkk, wuxu yiri 'inkaar alle ayaa na haysto'.

Wuxuna ku qoslay marki niin american ku yiri waxaa noo balan ah in 10 qof american ay uu dhiganto suuqina dahabka, ileen dawlad bay haystane kkkk iyo qorshahooda waa 'horumar' kkkkk, wuu isku kaadiye jablibax in loogu hanjabay in dhaqaalhooda uu dhigmayso mustaqbalka 10 qof iyo 15 million somali isku hanti haysta. Markasi ayaa jablibax la tusiye mapka america iyo sanduuq 7 billion dahab la saaray 'tuulo kasto' ka bacdi wadankisa la saaray isku 'sanduq' kkkkk markasi wuxu arkay inu uu dhigmo tuulo kamid ah america hadi hantigooda loo qaybiyo hantigisa

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