Cushites separations timelines

Can anyone correctly post the timeline of when various cushites subgroups separated from the pack?
Bejas were the first to go, around 7-8k years ago?
Oromos were last to separate from us, around 3500 years ago?


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Can anyone correctly post the timeline of when various cushites subgroups separated from the pack?
Bejas were the first to go, around 7-8k years ago?
Oromos were last to separate from us, around 3500 years ago?
Somalis separated from other speakers of Marco-Somali between 2500 - 2000 years ago.
Somalis separated from other speakers of Marco-Somali between 2500 - 2000 years ago.
That can't be right? I read something recently that puts proto Somalis around this time frame, where they placed most recent common ancestor for E-V68 carriers 2-2.5k YBP.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
That can't be right? I read something recently that puts proto Somalis around this time frame, where they placed most recent common ancestor for E-V68 carriers 2-2.5k YBP.
Proto Somalis probably included all Macro-Somali speakers at this time. Af Soomaali, Af Maay, Afi Ren'dille, Aweera etc. All these groups have the same name for camel (gaal/geel). the camel was introduced to our region around 2k years ago.
There are three different factors here: autosomal, uniparental, and linguistics. Those three things are disciplinary separate. What aligns is autosomal (broad Cushitic signature) and linguistic age-formation (proto-Cushitic, not branches), not linguistic stratification with autosomal differentiation. Uniparentals give insights into migration paths with mutational time stages.

Somalis could, and likely are, a mix of (at least one) autosomally similar, distinct linguistic Cushitic groups extantly extinct. We would never know unless there is deep sophisticated ascertainment modeling capture, untangling what appears already identical.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Proto Somalis probably included all Macro-Somali speakers at this time. Af Soomaali, Af Maay, Afi Ren'dille, Aweera etc. All these groups have the same name for camel (gaal/geel). the camel was introduced to our region around 2k years ago.
Going by Laas Geel it looks to be around 3,500-2,500 BCE, so 4,500 - 5,500 years ago, I've heard of other caves in the region aswell as north of Borama, thankfully must of these structures and art have been preserved due to supersitition.


"The paintings’ importance was recognised immediately, and estimates of their age range from 5,000 years to more than 10,000, putting them in the Neolithic age, and thus more recent than Europe’s famous Paleolithic examples, giving the visitor a glimpse into a very different world."

Garaad Awal

Zubeyri aka Targaryen of the Awalid Kingdom.
Going by Laas Geel it looks to be around 3,500-2,500 BCE, so 4,500 - 5,500 years ago, I've heard of other caves in the region aswell as north of Borama, thankfully must of these structures and art have been preserved due to supersitition.

View attachment 306076

"The paintings’ importance was recognised immediately, and estimates of their age range from 5,000 years to more than 10,000, putting them in the Neolithic age, and thus more recent than Europe’s famous Paleolithic examples, giving the visitor a glimpse into a very different world."
Laas Geel has never been dated (I’ve seen way to much varying dates and most of the dates don’t make sense) but the Neolithic sites in Djibouti have been dated.Central-East-South Cushitic entered the Horn ~2000 BCE with Central likely breaking off first


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Laas Geel has never been dated (I’ve seen way to much varying dates and most of the dates don’t make sense) but the Neolithic sites in Djibouti have been dated.Central-East-South Cushitic entered the Horn ~2000 BCE with Central likely breaking off first
How come it's never been dated? what migration route did they take to reach the horn?


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