But it passed...
Her diss game strong though.
She's a diana abuser (just saying)
I just think she's a little touched (probably all that diana seeping through her skin) to call a democratic decision a mafia decisionShe is better looking than most females here though. Yes it passed that is why she commented on it, she is angry that her home
region (Sahil) now is in danger from SCUD Houthi missiles.
I just think she's a little touched (probably all that diana seeping through her skin) to call a democratic decision a mafia decision
Cute MILF, what site am I browsing?!
I disagree. It was rushed, alot of people who weren't even elected (guurti) odayaal who can't read nor write voted, it is far from democratic.
It passed both upper (guurti) and lower (representatives) houses
Beenta iska dhaaf niyow, don't lie to @Steamdevolopment
But it passed...
Her diss game strong though.
She's a diana abuser (just saying)
But it passed...
Her diss game strong though.
She's a diana abuser (just saying)
Why does a decision have to be unanimous for it to pass? Welcome to politics, put on your big boy pants and accept things you don't like will always happenThere were fights inside the Parliament, don't pretend this was unanimous as the state media wants. Have some critical sense
Why does a decision have to be unanimous for it to pass? Welcome to politics, put on your big boy pants and accept things you don't like will always happen
The first issue is entirely disingenuous, as someone else stated UAE has military installations in Eritrea and we've yet to see Houthis attack that country.We are not decrying the way it happend alone but the consequences that it will have for innocent muslims on both sides of the war of Yemen and furthermore it breaks with fundamental international and constitutional laws
Houthi missiles is a problem. But its in the UAEs benefit to protect berbera so that's not a big problem. She's over reacting.
Anyways Duke of bohol why do you hate on siilaanyo?
the missile wont pass over American warships in the region
the missile wont pass over American warships in the region