Dahir alasow forced to apologize to dahabshiil

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Your superior
It is at the top of his page





Your superior
I just googled him.

He looks like couple of chromosome that expired. :hova::holeup:

Chromosomes expire??? U need to revisit bio

You can say that he looks as though he is missing couple of chromosomes (which would be rather funny)

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
he is not a decent human being. He has destroyed people's lives.

At the same time I rejoice his attack on certain gov people were he exposes their sexual life.

Kaaley sheeg how he gets info...it has been said that he employs abt 40 people back home.

He can never go back home bc he will not live more than 1 hour.
this guy is mooryaan,he used to maintain a local isbaaro back home before it got destoryed and now turned into online for extortion but the funny thin he acts as an anti-ethiopia for a cover up,he is a lost cause.


Your superior
this guy is mooryaan,he used to maintain a local isbaaro back home before it got destoryed and now turned into online for extortion but the funny thin he acts as an anti-ethiopia for a cover up,he is a lost cause.

He is very qabiil ridden moron who hates certain people. He has person issues with President hassan, he is insulting his family in his latest videos. I never seen a fucked up fat troll like this guy.
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