Dahir alasow the cyber mooryan

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Your superior
Dahir Alasow who is the editor of the tabloid website Waagacusub that comes out in Somalia language and whom most Somalis know him as a man that likes to extort money from business companies by falsely writing negative stories in his website might be going to Prison. Mr. Alasow falsely accused someone of his countrymen as terrorist by informing both the Kenyan and Dutch Intelligence service bogus information after twelve Somalia men were arrested during Christmas Eve in Rotterdam. Mr. Alasow was granted an Asylum by the Dutch government and now lives in Breda city after he said in his Asylum application that he was wanted man by the Somalia terrorist group Al-Shabaaab.

Dahir Alasow is now indicted in Rotterdam court for defamation of character and also misinforming Dutch intelligent officials’ false information about his community members. According to the Dutch websitehttp://www.Bredavandaag.nl it was Mr. Dahir Alasow who tricked and misleads the intelligent officials when the twelve Somali men that were arrested on Christmas Eve for suspicion of terrorist were detained. Eleven of those twelve Somali men have been released, while one still remains in custody. According to the website Bredavandaag when Mr. Alasow was asked if he is an informed for both Kenyan and Dutch Intelligence Service he said “I am innocent”.

To most Somalis that know of his work and his tabloid website this does not come surprise news because he has written previously false investigating reporting from some of the top Somali companies after they refused to pay his extortion money. Most see this news as karma at its best.

Read more onhttp://www.bredavandaag.nl/nieuws/43096 ... ctificeren

This was few years ago. This nigga has been taken to court several times



And he's free and still doing what he does best. He's impartial and I can't say that for any of his detractors. That's a Dahabshiil fan (sad af) or an employee and no one's ever heard of that website! Dutch sites are all legit? Ha!
And he's free and still doing what he does best. He's impartial and I can't say that for any of his detractors. That's a Dahabshiil fan (sad af) or an employee and no one's ever heard of that website! Dutch sites are all legit? Ha!

He's not impartial (I assume by that you mean objective), he has vandettas and he lies and gets caught out.


I did mean objective.

What vendetta? These guys are bad guys in a lot of people's eyes and they've got God status because of qabiil protection. Someone's got to go after them. He breaks down the clan stuff really well. What lies? It's so murky and he manages to get at least a grain of truth and that's something for corrupt, morality free Somalia.
I did mean objective.

What vendetta? These guys are bad guys in a lot of people's eyes and they've got God status because of qabiil protection. Someone's got to go after them. He breaks down the clan stuff really well. What lies? It's so murky and he manages to get at least a grain of truth and that's something for corrupt, morality free Somalia.

The fact that he had to apologies to dahabshiil and the court found his assertions about them to be unsubstatiated makes me think he can't be trusted. I mean how often are journalists sued and taken to court and then found to be at fault, it's just embarassing and speaks to his level of professionalism.


The fact that he had to apologies to dahabshiil and the court found his assertions about them to be unsubstatiated makes me think he can't be trusted. I mean how often are journalists sued and taken to court and then found to be at fault, it's just embarassing and speaks to his level of professionalism.

He didn't start that. And Kenya shut down Dajaalshiil over terror links but Somali politicians lobbied for it to be reopened. Saado Cali Warsame's family also made similar allegations linking him to her murder. Right this minute other revelations are coming out about this company. He was not careful enough he asserted an allegation and that's how they got him. In many people's eyes he's just stating facts. It's a large network of money transfers in a location which has no functioning banks and it was until very recently totally unregulated. In fact the person sending money within Africa is totally unidentifiable and that says a lot. I don't agree that he does it for Somaliland but he is doing it for a profit.
He didn't start that. And Kenya shut down Dajaalshiil over terror links but Somali politicians lobbied for it to be reopened. Saado Cali Warsame's family also made similar allegations linking him to her murder. Right this minute other revelations are coming out about this company. He was not careful enough he asserted an allegation and that's how they got him. In many people's eyes he's just stating facts. It's a large network of money transfers in a location which has no functioning banks and it was until very recently totally unregulated. In fact the person sending money within Africa is totally unidentifiable and that says a lot. I don't agree that he does it for Somaliland but he is doing it for a profit.

What do you mean he didn't start that? Journalists are not forced to make unsubstatiated claims against companies or people, they do that when they have an ulterior motive, not because they made a mistake. We'll see what comes of the saado cali case, it should be interesting.

Dahabshiil do things to make a profit? Yes of course, no shit, they're a business, that's their entire reason for existence. But they're not killing people or funding al shabaab. Think about how ridiculous that is. It is not in their interest to do something like that, common sense would tell you it is decidedly not in their interests. What is in 'many peoples eyes' don't matter, what matters is what is actually fact, ie. provable. Are the most recent allegations provable? That's what should interest people who are serious, not dog-whistles and unsubstatiated allegations. I think the fact that dahabshiil are happy to sue people and get sued indicated they don't really have much to hide. Kenya shut down many money tranfer businesses who were working in somalia, because it's an obvious method for terrorists to funnel money. But that's only by working inside an apparatus used by normal every day people & dahabshiil like all money transfer businesses are conforming to the times and becoming more regulated with senders and receivers become identified. That's the best they can do.


Let's be serious an underdog Somali language reporter who's not even on TV was never going to successfully challenge a massive company in the courts. He doesn't have the funds. But he's brave.
There are ethics to banking. It should be part and parcel with the terroritory. But we all know none of them bothered to follow these regulations despite the enormous risk of aiding and abetting everyone from ruthless warlords to terrorists. Dahabshiil was that safehaven they could trust to shift their gun money or I'll gotten gains elsewhere totally undetected. I don't know what you mean by modern times but since it's inception banking regulations and safeguards have been in wide use across the world.
Let's be serious an underdog Somali language reporter who's not even on TV was never going to successfully challenge a massive company in the courts. He doesn't have the funds. But he's brave.
There are ethics to banking. It should be part and parcel with the terroritory. But we all know none of them bothered to follow these regulations despite the enormous risk of aiding and abetting everyone from ruthless warlords to terrorists. Dahabshiil was that safehaven they could trust to shift their gun money or I'll gotten gains elsewhere totally undetected. I don't know what you mean by modern times but since it's inception banking regulations and safeguards have been in wide use across the world.
The Kenya gov cited the reasons for removing dahabshiil from the list. Stating they were applying strict anti-money laundering and anti terror practices and were in compliance with the law, others were not removed because they couldn't prove that.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
"a man that likes to extort money from business companies by falsely writing negative stories in his website"
waryaadhaheen waxan waa online isbaaro ...hawiyaha dad sahlan maaha .:jcoleno:z3zrULC


Your superior
I did mean objective.

What vendetta? These guys are bad guys in a lot of people's eyes and they've got God status because of qabiil protection. Someone's got to go after them. He breaks down the clan stuff really well. What lies? It's so murky and he manages to get at least a grain of truth and that's something for corrupt, morality free Somalia.

If dahabshiil pay him, he will never mention them again
Dahabshiil bribed the Kenyan's whom are notoriously known for that, the same bribery happened in Kampala, they tried paying of Saado Ali relatives through backdoor channels, they are the only unregulated remittance company operating in Nigeria that is used by Boko Haram whom have killed 20000 Nigerian's, they almost exclusively operate in Kanu which Boko Haram primarily recruit from, they are the cancer in Africa, they no longer operate in Saudi Arabia for precisely those reasons.


Your superior
Dahabshiil bribed the Kenyan's whom are notoriously known for that, the same bribery happened in Kampala, they tried paying of Saado Ali relatives through backdoor channels, they are the only unregulated remittance company operating in Nigeria that is used by Boko Haram whom have killed 20000 Nigerian's, they almost exclusively operate in Kanu which Boko Haram primarily recruit from, they are the cancer in Africa, they no longer operate in Saudi Arabia for precisely those reasons.
Truth has come out dahir alasow, we get your hustling tactics but you are going too far. Hormud aka former al barakat was ignored by you after they paid you $16000
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