Dedication to Our Somali People - I am Somali

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This song translated speaks to our character as Somalis. I leave this song on these pages so anyone interested to get a glimpse of our pride in who we are can read. Hope the thread stays on top as sticky so it greets visitors. I have noticed so called Somalis in here who have no resemblance to the character of ours. These individuals are the by product of an inferior culture they grew up in. That of the west.

Here is the Song: Credit posted below.

I am Somali(Somali Baan Ahay)

Sinnaantaan la magac ahay
San-ku-neefle ma oggoli
Inuu iga sarreyn karo
Anna garasho sogordahan
Sooryo ruux ugama dhigo
Soomaali baan ahay!

I share names with equality
A mortal I do not allow
That he surpass me
And allusive words and hints
I confer not on anyone as gifts
I am Somali

Inkastoon sabool ahay
Haddana waan sarriigtaa
Sacabbada ma hoorsado
Saaxiib nimaan nahay
Cadowgayga lama simo
Soomaali baan ahay

Though impoverished I am
Yet my hardships I endure
And my palms I do not extend
A man with whom I am friends
With my enemy I do not rival
I am Somali

Nabaddaan u sahanshaa
Colaaddaan ka salalaa
Soomajeesto goobaha
Ninka nabarka soo sida
Gacantiisa kama sugo
Soomaai baan ahay

I am in a quest for peace
And from enmity I am terrified
But [from the battlefield] I flee not
And the man who brings wounds
From his hands I await not [I launch assault]
I am Somali

Nin I sigay ma nabad galo
Nin isugeyna maba jiro
Libta weli ma sii deyn
Gardarrada ma saacido
Nin xaq lehna cid lama simo
Soomaali baan ahay!

A man who endangers me lives not in peace
And there isn’t a man who did wait for me
Gratitude I have not yet abandoned
Nor do I support not any transgression
And a wronged man I compare not with others
I am Somali

Ninkaan taydu soli karin
Uma yeelo suu rabo
Sida dunida qaarkeed
Sandulleynta ma oggoli
Ninna kabaha uma sido
Soomaali baan ahay

To whom my ways do not appeal
As he wishes I do not comply with
Like some parts of the world
Coercion I do not accept
Nor do I carry any man’s shoes
I am Somali

Ninka Iga sed roonow
Siintaada magaca leh
Ogow kaama sugayee
Hana oran sasabo badaw
Dareen seexda ma lihiye
Somaali baan ahay

O’ you who is wealthier than I
Your offerings for name’s sake
Know that I expect them not
Say not, too, persuade the ignorant
For I have not a conscious that sleeps
I am Somali

Ninna madax salaaxiyo
Kama yeelo seetada
Sasabo ma qaayibo
Sirta waxaan iraahdaa
Saab aan biyaha celin
Soomaali baan ahay

Neither man’s stroking of my head
Nor his lace on my legs [duplicity] do I accept
Persuasion I do not approve
As for secrets [about me] I say
A Saab [vessel] that hold no water
I am Somali

Dabayshaan la socod ahay
Salfudeydna uma kaco
Waabay sunaan ahay
Marna samawadaan ahay
Samir baan hagoogtaa
Soomaali baan ahay

I am of a step with the wind
And on impulse I do not act
I am like fangs of poison [when provoked]
And at times, the bearer of good [when dealt with peace]
I am swathed in patience
I am Somali

Nin I sigay ma nabad galo
Nin isugeyna maba jiro
Libta weli ma sii deyn
Gardarrada ma saacido
Nin xaq lehna cid lama simo
Soomaali baan ahay!

A man who endangers me lives not in peace
And there isn’t a man who did wait for me
Gratitude I have not yet abandoned
Nor do I support not any transgression
And a wronged man I compare not with others
I am Somali

Saan la kala jaraan ahay
Summadi ay ku wada taal,
Rag baa beri I saanyaday
Anoo xoolo soofsada,
Xil midnimo anaa sida,
Soomaali baan ahay

I am like Saan [hide] split into two
That still bears the credentials
Some men once disintegrated me
Whilst I tended to my flocks
[But] the obligation of unity I [still] carry
I am Somali
Huur, I don't know. It is worth looking for. It was a famous song, so am sure an old audio file/video somewhere can be found. Will drop it here if I find one.
I found it on Youtube.

The composer has an interesting name : YAMYAM :) made me laugh. His full name is C/Qadir Xirzi YamYam.


Huur = Horus
I found it on Youtube.

The composer has an interesting name : YAMYAM :) made me laugh. His full name is C/Qadir Xirizi YamYam.

Thanks! I agree this should be a sticky thread to showcase Somali poetry/song, it's translation, meaning and the context of why it was composed.
Huur, I don't have/See the option to message someone. I clicked on Abdi-Johnson and Kaleel accounts. Didn't see "message" option for them on their accounts. I either missed to see the "button" because I am not familiar with the website, Or I am new and thus don't have permission to message someone yet.
btw, we are nation of poets. So if you come across a good poem by a Somali, add to this thread. And you can compose your own if you have the talent. All are welcome.

I add Boodhari's Poem here he composed for Hodan.

She is altogether fair:
Her fine-shaped bones begin her excellence;
Magnificent of bearing, tall is she;
A proud grace is her body’s greatest splendor;
Yet she is gentle, womanly, soft of skin.
Her gums’ dark gloss is like unto blackest ink;
And a careless flickering of her slanted eyes
Begets a light clear as the white spring moon.
My heart leaps when I see her walking by,
Infinite suppleness in her body’s sway.
I often fear that some malicious djinn
May envy her beauty, and wish to do her harm.

— From “Qaraami” (Passion), as presented by Margaret Laurence in A Tree for Poverty
Thanks for sharing @Burhan

You are welcome Sense. Btw, I tried to figure out the meaning of your name. I puzzled over whether it was:

A- The word Sense and you are using it to say "Common sense says"
B- You were an Anime fan and bastardized the Sensei by leaving out the "I"

:) And without intending to offend you, you must be a GUY?


Huur = Horus
Huur, I don't have/See the option to message someone. I clicked on Abdi-Johnson and Kaleel accounts. Didn't see "message" option for them on their accounts. I either missed to see the "button" because I am not familiar with the website, Or I am new and thus don't have permission to message someone yet.

That's probably the case. I'm new to this site aswell.


Huur = Horus
Maxaa ani iigu jira - Careys Ciise Kaarshe

"Saar: Maxaa ani iigu jira, Miraha iyo luuqda: Careys Ciise Kaarshe (AUN) Qeyb: Waddani, Taariikh qabasho 1968 (Radio Muqdisho)"

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