Deen Squad: Inshallah. How do you feel about this guys?

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Isn't it obvious they are doing this for monetary gain? I remember seeing one of the guys with ear piercing lol. They mostly appeal to stupid girls who fancy them. If you want the diin read the quran, pray qiaymu layl, learn the tafsiir, learn the ahadiith and be a good muslim the way Allah told you and the way the prophet told you. Why does anyone need these parasites? Since when did we use music to carry out sermons?


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Its bullshit If they didnt have a muslim image they would just be a struggling unsigned artist
Nasheeds are allowed but I believe the only musical instrument allowed to accompany it is the duff. I'm trying to stop listening to music now that ramadan is around the corner but it's really hard. Music is literally everywhere.
Nasheeds are allowed but I believe the only musical instrument allowed to accompany it is the duff. I'm trying to stop listening to music now that ramadan is around the corner but it's really hard. Music is literally everywhere.
Start by not going out of your way to listen to music. Don't download it, don't search for it and don't play it in your car. It is hard to avoid music when others around you are playing it but it is easy when you are alone. I use Quran when I am studying because I used to be a music freak and I remember needing music to study where most of my friends were using coffee and energy drinks. Music can influence a person so much without the person knowing.
Start by not going out of your way to listen to music. Don't download it, don't search for it and don't play it in your car. It is hard to avoid music when others around you are playing it but it is easy when you are alone. I use Quran when I am studying because I used to be a music freak and I remember needing music to study where most of my friends were using coffee and energy drinks. Music can influence a person so much without the person knowing.

I've deleted it from my phone, laptop and ipad. I've switched to listening, Qur'an, lectures or just the radio in the car. I used to listen to it when studying, cleaning and even when I'm getting ready to go out. Yeah, it's very subtle but it is a form of addiction. I read a quote somewhere and it said, music and Qur'an cannot live in the same heart. You must choose one. It made me reflect.


Suldaanka Gobyare
lol Somalis helped that monkey convert then he walked all over him as usual .

Arab : Hey Gorilla you are a muslim like me now, did you know we can make tracks in Islam.

Jarer Convert: No way!

Arab: Yeah you can use the Quran and rap with it. (Arab guy starts smirking)

Jarer convert: Oh really wow? So I can still follow my dream and still practise the religion.

Arab: Yes (lol what a stupid monkey) . Work for me and well be famous and Ill teach you REAL Islam.

Jarer Convert: Wow this must be the real package sinds my Somali mates always looked up to Arabs.

and that my friends is how Deen Squad was started. It has a big doqon Somali fanbase too. lol convert gone rotten while Somalis put so much time in this biglipped zulu trying to convert him.


Suicidal men adore me.
lol Somalis helped that monkey convert then he walked all over him as usual .

Arab : Hey Gorilla you are a muslim like me now, did you know we can make tracks in Islam.

Jarer Convert: No way!

Arab: Yeah you can use the Quran and rap with it. (Arab guy starts smirking)

Jarer convert: Oh really wow? So I can still follow my dream and still practise the religion.

Arab: Yes (lol what a stupid monkey) . Work for me and well be famous and Ill teach you REAL Islam.

Jarer Convert: Wow this must be the real package sinds my Somali mates always looked up to Arabs.

and that my friends is how Deen Squad was started. It has a big doqon Somali fanbase too. lol convert gone rotten while Somalis put so much time in this biglipped zulu trying to convert him.

I'm in tears. You are so rude. That was so unnecessary.
I've deleted it from my phone, laptop and ipad. I've switched to listening, Qur'an, lectures or just the radio in the car. I used to listen to it when studying, cleaning and even when I'm getting ready to go out. Yeah, it's very subtle but it is a form of addiction. I read a quote somewhere and it said, music and Qur'an cannot live in the same heart. You must choose one. It made me reflect.
Yeah if you think of it you can't really love both quran and music..only will remain. I was addicted to classic somali music to the point where I used to sleep listening to it. I memorized lots of the lyrics and as I was doing that I noticed my quran was fading. I spent more and more time with music(from 15-21) by my 21st year I could only recite enough quran to pray from memory. I lost it all except for the sort surahs. Like you said music is so subtle and before you know you see yourself reciting every song from memory. If you can learn the tafsiir of the quran so that you understand when listening to quran will help. The quran is amazing when you understand it.
I guess there is a market for everything. I don't care for this band's parody of hip hop songs but they are free to do as they wish.

BTW, I think it's disheartening the way some of you speak about the need to remove music from your life. Music adds color to life!
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