deep voice female

Only a certain segment.
Down south, NY, & Cali Black chicks are without a doubt the most masculine black women in the West.

It's not even close. They like to fight, smoke & do all of the other hoodrat activities their other hoodroach tribesman do.
Stay away - 1/10 would not recommend.
I have a genetic deep voice as a female myself
Are you a smoker or have you been around heavy smokers ? The majority of men and women who smoke tend to have damaged vocal cords. Irritates the larynx, making it swollen and reddened. These irritation will eventually lead to cancer due to the over growth of cells.
Sxb, the only ones I see are on BET and twitter :notsureif:. Im not around them I live on the good side of town.

musician vs magician interview
Breh - the only thing that erks me more than gaslighting is the way black american women of the hood variety conduct themselves.

The weaves
The nails
The eyelashes
The masculinity
I just can't do it.
Like they tug at my soul for some reason when I'm near them.

To all the naysayers I'm not throwing them ALL under the bus just the roach class.
I love black women 💘
Breh - the only thing that erks me more than gaslighting is the way black american women of the hood variety conduct themselves.

The weaves
The nails
The eyelashes
The masculinity
I just can't do it.
Like they tug at my soul for some reason when I'm near them.

To all the naysayers I'm not throwing them ALL under the bus just the roach class.
I love black women 💘
How will you save:superman: the black woman ?
I won't.. It would be a waste of time.
When I finally do calm down & marry I want a nice village girl from somewhere in Africa.😍

Any sign of western inflections she can forget about dowry - IT'S OFF!
imagine coming onto a foreign platform just to degrade your ethnicity embarrassing
imagine coming onto a foreign platform just to degrade your ethnicity embarrassing

Feel how u feel.
I think I know the ways of my people by now especially the women. Nothing wrong with calling out detrimental traits.. If anything It needs to be encouraged more! Shame needs to make a serious comeback in the hoods of america.

I even gave them some credit.
I didn't say ALL exhibited those unwanted traits only a segment.
And I'm right!

I said it's a waste of time building something tangible with them BECAUSE IT IS.

I grew up among ALL OF IT. The good & bad. I'm not just talkin. SOME - american black women are just to far gone to be saved.
I love them as sisters but that's FACT.

Nigga HOW do u save this!?!?🧐

You don't!!

Theirs no talking to them tryin to kick knowledge & game.

Most have multiple kids by different dudes & see no issue with it - it's even celebrated

Ignorant to the MAX

& exibit a level of self hate so powerful no other generation before them could wish to compete!

Look at these chicks..
I can smell their testosterone & burnt microwave weaves (that's an actual thing) from my screen.⚠️✈️✈️

Our time on this planet is finite. Why waste it tryin to reform people who don't value change or even something free like basic knowledge?


Give me the peanut butter smooth skinned African chick that eats right, is non combative, & still has a functioning brain all while exhibiting raw femininity! That's the move. The hood boogers I grew up among AIN'T.

You act as if I'm anti black women?
I'm not!
I'm anti SOME black women & will remain that way to preserve my mental.

Hopefully u learned somethin today.