Defence Minister Adan Duale withdraws KDF from Somalia and moves them to the NFD border

KDF has built 14 Forward Operating Bases [FOBs] along Kenya-Somalia border ahead of planned strategic withdrawal from Somalia. From June, ATMIS will start drawdown of troops to allow stabilization of the Horn of Africa nation. Most KDF troops will be moved to the border.

The first batch of 2000 ATMIS troops which consists of 90% of KDF boot presence in Somalia will leave the country in June 2023.The decision to build more FOBs is boosted by a recent agreement between Kenya and Somalia which will see the border points re-opened in three phases.

Both Kenya Security Forces and their Somali Jubaland counterparts will patrol the border in pursuit of Al-Shabaab militants.

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Good luck. Glad to see Ogadens in NFD locking in the Kenyan security sector. They showed perseverance for decades.

Aden Barre and Yusuf Haji senior deserve statues.


I saw some of these bases in the Badhaadhe forests on the satellite images. Good to know what the purpose was.