Deforestation is turning Somalia to desert

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1.plant more trees using the drone
2. There are more water under the surface, start digging them.



Somalis dont know much about enviromental protection. Its sad how our trees are getting choped and sent to the gulf countries to be used for shisha
The usage of dhuxul and wood is very high where i live. I don't see it changing and when i told my family to use gas instead of charcoal they told me it's risky because they have small kids. But i think biogas could be the ultimate solution


Suicidal men adore me.
Somalis dont know much about enviromental protection. Its sad how our trees are getting choped and sent to the gulf countries to be used for shisha

It's sad but the people need to make money right. Only wealthy nations afford to consider the environment. Look at Brazil a country much wealthier than Somalia and even they are chopping down trees.


Somalia should use Groasis waterbox technology. See video below.

You can turn Somalia into an Acacia forest with this technology.

The usage of dhuxul and wood is very high where i live. I don't see it changing and when i told my family to use gas instead of charcoal they told me it's risky because they have small kids. But i think biogas could be the ultimate solution

Or the solar cooker


Habar Magaadle
What shocked me the most here in arabsiyo,was when I came in feburary everything was dry, after a month of rain you'd think this place was the ethiopian highlands, everything in the horizon is green, it's like this for gabiley,baki,borama, and all the other towns, but as soon as the rains stop the enviroment dries up once more, it's the seasonal cycle, now were going to leave one season where rain falls every week, to a season where it falls sparsley, then after than is 4-6 months of no rain at all...
This lady Fatima Jibril is co founder the solar cooker, And made campaign to stop old-growth forests of acacia in the northeastern part of Somalia ://


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
The problem in Somaliland is pretty bad because they have totally degraded their best grazing land. When you cut down trees you loosen up the soil leading to badlands on which not even grass is able to grow. They really focked up their land. Almost all the good land, from Buhoodle to Hargeysa is degraded severely.
What shocked me the most here in arabsiyo,was when I came in feburary everything was dry, after a month of rain you'd think this place was the ethiopian highlands, everything in the horizon is green, it's like this for gabiley,baki,borama, and all the other towns, but as soon as the rains stop the enviroment dries up once more, it's the seasonal cycle, now were going to leave one season where rain falls every week, to a season where it falls sparsley, then after than is 4-6 months of no rain at all...

Dripping irrigation is best solution in SL I heard about this Yemeni farmer who uses it.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
This lady Fatima Jibril is co founder the solar cooker, And made campaign to stop old-growth forests of acacia in the northeastern part of Somalia ://

She's amazing, adeso is probably one of the few NGOs (that I know of) that are making a significant difference.

May Allah reward her and her family Amin!


Cal Madow is home to over 1000 plant species, 200 of which only found on the mountain range. The research was conducted by a team of botanists led by Dr Mats Thulin of Uppsala University in Sweden.
Deforestation of rare plants is a big threat.

Luckily the mountains around Cal Madow have many lethal plants to goats/camels, so not many nomads graze there. If you look at Google Earth, it's still very green.


Well when it finally becomes desert they have no one but them selfs to blame I wonder how these retards will continue there herding culture if only sand exists:krs:
Well when it finally becomes desert they have no one but them selfs to blame I wonder how these retards will continue there herding culture if only sand exists:krs:
They will turn to fishing and when they turn into fishing there will be no more fish in the sea because over fishing
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