DH weighs in on Zionist Jew promoting "Muslim Feminists"

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I'm not really a DH follower but I think this is strange- why is this Zionist Jew supporting "Muslim feminists"???

edit: oh and apparently the jew is a homo as well
Muslim women don't have allies among men, no matter their religion. Muslim men need to spare us the bullshit. The only reason they get upset is when the rest of the world points out the abuse and neglect. Let's be real, only during debates are women's rights in Islam whipped out.

Those who hate Islam, know what the achilles heel of the Muslim world is, and it is the nasty way in which women are treated. Why are Muslim men angry? Because the whole world sees how insecure and hypocritical you are?

We see through all the hypocrisy as does our creator, Allah SWT.
Anything they can use to score points against the Ummah, they will use it.

That doesn’t change the fact that not educating women in Afghanistan is a disaster or any other issues Muslim women have. You cannot treat women like this and expect others to not demonize you lot.

The biggest problem for Muslim women is that they’re in a rock and a hard place. If we talk about our issues, gaals use it against Muslims to score points against Muslim men and when Muslim women want to talk about the lack of rights and other major issues within Muslim societies, Muslim men do not want to listen and instead take on even more oppressive standpoints as a way to rebel against ‘Westernizers’ and its Muslim women that are punished in the process.

Daniel believes in virginity testing which is barbaric and anti Islam, believes in refusing women education and spends most of his days online being anti-women and making Semi takfir and calling women feminists for being against the like of Andrew Tate. This is the man that Muslim men have decided to put on a pedestal and when the world sees it and sees the down right evilness some Muslim men say, you want to believe that women aren’t going to be disgusted and the world at large won’t notice?


A Laandheere always pays his debts
DH is the quintessential black pill. His whole content creation is doom & gloom with no practical solution. When posited the question: should we all try to move to Afghanistan given those freedom liberators you raved about are here - he gave a meek response saying Hijrah is impractical... which shows he doesn't want solutions, its extremely nihilistic. At the very least those "compassionate imams" provides a sense of optimism and showcase Allah's SWT's mercy, which makes a Believer hold on in this period which is undoubtedly Akhira Zaman, while DH wants us all to be in a permanent state of crises and trepidation. His content is sombre and gloomy with no real positive outlook, he doesn't call for political mobilisation or even Tawhid, he just says until a Khilafa is formed, the Middle East will continue be run by hypocrites and the Western Muslimahs will continue their shallow path of degeneracy, what a Da'ee. I've actually spoken with him and was quite close with DH at one point so I actually know of DH within Da'wah (not personally) very well.
The only reason Muslim women are even being called "feminists" is because they dare ask for their rights, which Allah SWT already gave them. Honestly, I hope these hypocrite Muslim men and Zionist/Western men who want to use and abuse Muslimahs, go to hell, together. Birds of a feather.
Anything they can use to score points against the Ummah, they will use it.

That doesn’t change the fact that not educating women in Afghanistan is a disaster or any other issues Muslim women have. You cannot treat women like this and expect others to not demonize you lot.

The biggest problem for Muslim women is that they’re in a rock and a hard place. If we talk about our issues, gaals use it against Muslims to score points against Muslim men and when Muslim women want to talk about the lack of rights and other major issues within Muslim societies, Muslim men do not want to listen and instead take on even more oppressive standpoints as a way to rebel against ‘Westernizers’ and its Muslim women that are punished in the process.

Daniel believes in virginity testing which is barbaric and anti Islam, believes in refusing women education and spends most of his days online being anti-women and making Semi takfir and calling women feminists for being against the like of Andrew Tate. This is the man that Muslim men have decided to put on a pedestal and when the world sees it and sees the down right evilness some Muslim men say, you want to believe that women aren’t going to be disgusted and the world at large won’t notice?

Whenever Westerners talk about Muslim men, all they need to do, is tell the truth. It is all there, in plain sight. Muslim societies do subjugate women and they are proud of it, they only feel anger when exposed for being cavemen.

But us Muslimahs can't complain to anyone but Allah SWT when our sisters are subjugated worldwide. The audacity of these "Muslim" males with podcasts.
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DH is the quintessential black pill. His whole content creation is doom & gloom with no practical solution. When posited the question: should we all try to move to Afghanistan given those freedom liberators you raved about are here - he gave a meek response saying Hijrah is impractical... which shows he doesn't want solutions, its extremely nihilistic. At the very least those "compassionate imams" provides a sense of optimism and showcase Allah's SWT's mercy, which makes a Believer hold on in this period which is undoubtedly Akhira Zaman, while DH wants us all to be in a permanent state of crises and trepidation. His content is sombre and gloomy with no real positive outlook, he doesn't call for political mobilisation or even Tawhid, he just says until a Khilafa is formed, the Middle East will continue be run by hypocrites and the Western Muslimahs will continue their shallow path of degeneracy, what a Da'ee. I've actually spoken with him and was quite close with DH at one point so I actually know of DH within Da'wah (not personally) very well.

DH is a part of a huge crowd of "Muslim" men who share the same sentiments and who implement evil laws to abuse women globally. He is just a mere cog in the machine. And 'good' Muslim men, lol, who and where are they? They enjoy the benefits that come with a system where women are relegated to serfdom. Or they are silently complicit. We are tired and honestly, I don't care anymore when Muslim countries are exposed in Western media. Mac sonkor. Instead of fearing Allah SWT, they fear being exposed.


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