Did anyone watch this report of Oromo obtaining Somali passports

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Did anybody hear of Somali TV Channel that brought report of Oromo illegal immigrants obtaining Somali passports from bosaso city. Plz check this information.
You and your obsession with Oromos lol:chrisfreshhah: why are you so scared of them?

No scare at all, but they brought ghetto slums in main cities, streets kids phenomenon, increase of crimes, trading in drugs, alcohol , children kidnappings and human trafficking, increase of aids in Somalia because of them.
@Canuck a few isolated incidents and anecdotes does not make a trend. They don't even register in the number of population in Somalia or Somaliland for you to be that worried. You seemed to have a hangup about them but most Oromos are humble and kind people. They really don't deserve your multiple thread tirade, but then again they are Ethiopians which i am guessing is your main issue with them:damedamn:
@Canuck a few isolated incidents and anecdotes does not make a trend. They don't even register in the number of population in Somalia or Somaliland for you to be that worried. You seemed to have a hangup about them but most Oromos are humble and kind people. They really don't deserve your multiple thread tirade, but then again they are Ethiopians which i am guessing is your main issue with them:damedamn:

It is not isloted crimes but wave of crimes. your people brought an alien culture from ghetto slums, begging, s, streets children, alcohol and drugs. Sorry our country is not dumpster to accept all that filthy. It is normal you will defend your fellow people.
oromo people are way more noble and generally are a better people. Somalis are known for being thieves, welfare queens, trouble makers, terrorist etc. so it's hilarious for you to accuse oromos of this or that. There are millions of Somali refugees in Ethiopia and thousands who are illegal. I'm pretty sure there are way more Somalians in Ethiopia than the other way around. I mean it's not like you're educated anyways so you will forever be ignorant.
oromo people are way more noble and generally are a better people. Somalis are known for being thieves, welfare queens, trouble makers, terrorist etc. so it's hilarious for you to accuse oromos of this or that. There are millions of Somali refugees in Ethiopia and thousands who are illegal. I'm pretty sure there are way more Somalians in Ethiopia than the other way around. I mean it's not like you're educated anyways so you will forever be ignorant.

Listen Lander boy, take your bullshits and lies some where else. Somalis are not refugees or illegal in their ancestral land Ogaden. Also, you will get the recognition and if you keep pretending to be habashi I will treat like the old days and sell you to Arab.
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