Did barkhad ruin our somali image?

Like most people don't even know how somalis look like but they'll probably think most somalis look like barkhad when they don't.

Watch this video its crazy
Just be you. I've never seen a community like this before smdh. Don't worry about the image of Somalis, we're all individuals not just Somalis man worry about your own image. This inbred motherfucker is making money so he doesn't care.


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
Barkhad Abdi is a legend in my book, from being in and out of jail for drug possessions to driving a limo and then to the world stage in Hollywood and becoming the first Somali to get nominated for an Academy award, a success story that inspires everyone, only a salty person would hate to see the brother achieve this much success.



King Of NSFW
Yall really hating on someone for being successful just because they're "ugly" the mental gymnastics :mjlol:

Also no ajnabi that lives in an area with a decent amount of Somalis thinks that. Do you think every white man looks like Leonardo Dicaprio?
Anyone looking at him can tell he was probably malnourished as a kid or when he was developing in the womb...could have been low vit D (causes poor facial development...or maybe zinc) the point is, he isn't ugly he looks more "sickly" it isnt like he has poor hygiene or grooming, then you could blame him -__-


His a natural actor, he never had any experience but yet went toe to toe with tom hanks, one of the best actors of our times. Mr Barkhad is very talented :)


#JusticeForShukriAbdi #FreeYSL
Barkhad abdi is a Somali hero, no other Somali took acting seriously so he stepped up to the plate and became a star, i hope to see him play a major role in another big movie
The only reason you dislike him is because of him being ugly, he is a rich man with a hot wife so I don't understand how he ruined our image quit hating nigga

