Did EGYPT cause the DRAUGHT?

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I've seen two Black people on twitter claim that Egypt is monopolizing the Nile, which caused the drought.
( I saw another guy, a black revert write a thread about this but I think he deleted it)
Is this true? :what1:
Why haven't I heard this from anyone else? :what1::what1:
Somali SJWs are ofcourse eating this up.
Is this guy using our peoples suffering as a way of spreading his hateful beliefs?
Or is our next chant gonna be Egypt Ha Burburto?
*DROUGHT. I must be dyslexic
What is this bullshit anybody that knows anything about geography would know that Egypt is the last country to get Nile water. So if they monopolize the Nile nothing will happen plus the Nile doesn't even pass somalia. Those African Americans are really dumb
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It all eventually comes back to the pyramids


Okay, I see this shit. Black Muslims are now segregating themselves looool :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:
This is what happens when your "activism" is more centered around hate for another group as opposed to a concern for your own group.
She's a Somali without any knowledge about the basic geography of her own country.
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