Did Somalis sell Slaves to Arabs and the British?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I've been hearing about this for a long time. Did Somalis lure west Africans and sold them as slaves?


No the arabs use to use somali ports to export them. Only few somali qavils had slaves, like geledi and biyamal. Once the italian came, they stoped slavery but still used the same people to farm the land without pay in places like jowhar


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
How would Somalis lure west Africans? you airhead. Did you even go to college?:camby:
How do you explain the Bantus in Somalia? And Somalis would go to west Africa to trade goods. Learn the history. Before calling anyone dumb. You're a waste of air.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Never, it was the Arabs & the British. Infact Somalis helped many African countries get liberated from those who enslaved & colonised them.
How do you explain the Bantus in Somalia? And Somalis would go to west Africa to trade goods. Learn the history. Before calling anyone dumb. You're a waste of air.
First of all, those Bantus are from East African regions like Tanzania or Mozambique. Secondly, Arabs sold them to the Somalis and not the other way around. You sound like a Cadaan with your ignorance about history and geography.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
First of all, those Bantus are from East African regions like Tanzania or Mozambique. Secondly, Arabs sold them to the Somalis and not the other way around. You sound like a Cadaan with your ignorance about history and geography.
And you sound like a bitter former slave. Stfu.


Heads high

All you need to know is In this article OP



I got boomer connections
Nope. Slavery was first introduced by Arabs to east Africa, the bantu speaking people and Arabs collaboration brought bantus to Somalia.

"Slave trade was introduced in Malawi by the Swahili-Arab traders in the 19thCentury following a great demand for ivory and slave in the East African markets namely Zanzibar, Kilwa, Mombasa and Quelimane. The Swahili -Arabs moved further into the interior of Africa including Malawi to obtain slaves and ivory.​

"slave trade route passed through the southern highlands and was also controlled by the Yao chiefs. Nyezerera and Mkanda controlled the sub route passing between Mulanje Mountain and Michesi Hill in what is now Phalombe District. Two other Yao chiefs controlled the sub route passing through the southern part of Mulanje Mountain and these were Chikumbu and Matipwiri. These terrorized the Nyanja people in the Shire highlands and the Mang'anja of the Lower Shire valley. Dr David Livingstone witnessed the suffering of these people and burning of their villages as he was traveling along the Shire River and around Lake Chilwa in April 1859."
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